rihanna album cover red hair

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  • devman
    Aug 6, 11:21 PM
    Or when there are multiple threads analyzing a photograph of a banner with dozens of icons on it, and nobody notices the photo also shows (the same) two covered banners. :)

    There are actually 3 covered banners on the ground floor.

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  • lpmusix
    Oct 24, 01:40 AM
    Wednesday makes a lot more sense.
    Why would Wenesday make more sense?

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  • 840quadra
    Nov 28, 02:35 PM
    I don't think I'd hold up Sony as an example of how to innovate and market -- they lost their focus decades ago. Aside from the walkman, let's see what products has Sony pushed in the last 30 years...

    Memory Stick

    Now we sit back and see if the PS3 and Blu-Ray follow the recent trend. If we're comparing Microsoft to Sony that's what you have to look forward to.

    Sorry to have to say this, but the Playstation and PS2 (early years) were a great success.

    The PS3 was late, but it is still too early ( like the Zune) to discount it as a good device or threat.

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  • TerryJ
    Jul 14, 11:13 AM
    I went to my local MicroCenter a few days ago & saw BluRay movies (XXX, Underworld: Evolution, Hitch, and 1 or 2 more) so there ARE movies out for it. Each was worth $29.99 USD so they're gonna be expensive.
    Yup... there are BD movies (about 10) and HD DVD movies (about 30) available now. The pricing is about $20-30 dollars each. (Not bad, in my opinion.)

    The HD DVD group promo site (http://www.thelookandsoundofperfect.com/) has listed all the LOTR and all the Matrix movies as announced. I wouldn't mind picking up those (hopefully by the end of the year.) Hopefully it's not just marketing "carrot on a stick".


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  • paradox00
    May 2, 05:06 PM
    I like it, but right now there's 3 ways to install apps: App Store, download from internet and drag to applications folder, installer wizard (like MS Office). Also, the difference between the applications folder and LaunchPad will be confusing for most users. This whole thing needs to be unified. Either get rid of the Applications folder or get rid of LaunchPad.

    I think what you're looking for is Mac OSXI which will come after Lion. Lion is likely the (paid) beta test for merging iOS and OSX elements with the goal of creating a unified OS, but they still have to maintain the core features of OSX, even if they've become redundant. The next iteration will likely be a clean break and drop many redundant features.

    If Microsoft thinks they can make a desktop and tablet friendly version of Windows (Windows 8) I have no doubts that Apple can actually succeed on that front (and no, I don't think macs will ever be restricted to the mac app store only).

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  • Moyank24
    Mar 22, 11:54 AM
    I love how "gays" freak out when non-homosexual people do something. But yet when "gays" want to do something extreme it's because we don't accept them, so when they get in trouble it's a huge ordeal.

    To me this is like the people that don't support war. If a veteran was killed in action and a funeral is happening they can picket the funeral all day long (talk about bull ****!) But yet if we don't let them picket they freak out scream free rights free rights. Well guess what those veterans (me included since I serve) gave them that freedom to stand there in picket.

    Gays are the same way. I have no issue with gays, I don't agree with it but if your gay, be gay. Just don't expect the world to conform to your way of life, especially a country (United States) founded on Christianity. If anything go to a foreign country and complain then see how bad it really is to come out, unless it's Amsterdam, Iraq or Afghan they'll love your butt over there.

    Congrats for winning the most ignorant post of the day.

    And for the record, we don't expect the world to conform to our way of life, and people like you and your "Christianity" shouldn't expect us to conform to your way of life.

    And as others above me have said...I would suggest googling separation between Church and State. It's kind of important to the history of our country. And I do thank you for being a veteran, but do you have any idea what you were fighting for?

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  • Galaxas0
    Apr 2, 11:00 PM
    In Safari, you can now change the width of a page by moving the cursor to the scrollbar and you see the little "adjust width" icon. Drag that and the width of the page decreases/increases toward the center.

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  • iDAG
    Jan 11, 08:07 PM
    AirMac is actually the name of an Apple product in Japan. I believe its just an Airport



    LOL then IDK what to call a Mac with Air :) Maybe it just has a ton of fans in it so everyone can stop whining about how hot there notebook is. :cool:

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  • twoodcc
    Mar 5, 05:13 PM
    congrats to whiterabbit for 10 million points!

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  • bob_hearn
    Sep 1, 12:43 PM
    MacOSXrumors??? There is, if anything, negative correlation between their predictions and reality.

    What Apple had damn well BETTER announce then is Merom MacBook Pros. It's inexplicable that they have not done so already.

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  • Chris Bangle
    Aug 16, 07:45 AM
    Its going to be extremly tough to decide between a wii and a fullscreen ipod. I really want a wii.

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  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:41 PM
    I rather just buy a dvd for $10-20. I'm not downloading anything from the apple store for that price.

    What if it was HD?

    I think you're right. A lot of people will feel the same way.
    That's way they're not going to try and compete with retail DVDs and Netflix or PPV. Apple is going to create a new market with HD downloads before HDDVD/Blu-Ray movies are widely available...

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  • timmillwood
    Oct 23, 07:49 AM
    sorry to quote myself, but i just realized that the UK Mac Expo is this week, and that would be a good venue for releasing new MBPs

    so my prediction is Oct 26 at the UK MacExpo.


    i think they will stick with Tuesday then just show it off at the EXPO, this will be a silent update because no invites have been sent so there is no reason to wait for friday when they can do it Monday.

    I hope to have it order Tuesday and delivered by the end of the week?
    Any chance?

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  • sochrisash
    Feb 17, 05:45 PM
    Loving the rokit's

    Cant wait for the new mixer, and maybe a good soundcard :D And maybe a new iMac :D




    Check out my organized cables :P

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  • babyj
    Nov 30, 12:46 PM
    The quoted price is $299 which nominally translates to £157 + Apple stiff a brit tax + Government screw yer countryman tax.
    I'm expecting £199.

    If you think the iTV will do everything that a media centre pc circa(£800) does then i want to know what you are smoking?

    It'll be a highly focused 1st release ie, everything in the Sept presentation + RSS feeds rebranded as clever channels, delivering usual junk off YouTube and Google video.

    Games, ichat, online imovie editing, they'll be in patch releases, when you buy iTV 2 or never, cos Steve thinks those things suck ass on a TV.

    I'm not expecting iTV to do everything a Media Centre PC does, but it needs to be able to do what the Xbox 360 can when connected to a PC running Media Centre. Whether that means it has to connect to a Mac or do it stand alone doesn't matter, but it needs to compete with the Microsoft solution.

    If you've got an old PC (or you buy a cheap 2nd hand PC) you can run Media Centre on then it only costs £80 for Media Centre, £200 for an Xbox and £50 for a TV card.

    I'd of already gone with Microsoft but I want to be able to download video on to my iPod - the different video formats make that a pain in the arse at the moment.

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  • ffakr
    Nov 25, 05:32 PM
    Dell is setting the pricing. It's not about the vendor costs.. it's all about what vendors think customers will pay.

    I'm shopping for one to two compution nodes right now and the Dell Quad-Core 1U servers price at a bit cheaper at 1.86GHz [quad] vs. the dual-core system at 3.0GHz. Since 1.86GHz is very near the low end of the processor line, I'd suspect that we'll see the high end quad-cores sell for much more than the high-end Dual-cores. It won't matter what the part costs are [they are much closer]. There's too much extra value to end users who really need to run a lot of threads.

    For most people, one Core2 Duo is plenty of horsepower for a long, long time. I'm typing on my new MacBookPro Core2 right now. One downside with the Core2Duo.. the thermal envelope IS higher than the Yonah CoreDuo processors. This thing gets pretty loud when the cpu [and the fans] spin up. It is wicked fast though [15" model with 2.33GHz]
    This is one reason why I don't suspect we'll see a Core2Duo in a Mini any time soon. First off, the cpu is way too fast for a system with Integrated grpahics (unless you want a mini computation node). Unfortunately, Apple hasn't listened to me for the last few years so they haven't built in X-Grid support into all their consumer apps. If they had, your Mac MediaCenter could invisibly speed up the rendering of your iMovie project that you do on your iMac or Macbook. ;-) [as I always tell Apple, I hold no IP on potentially good ideas I provide publicly to Apple, go take them]

    For most people, the towers are way too fast. I've set up a few dual-dual 2.66GHz machines and they are wicked fast. It really is difficult to slow them down even when you go out of your way to try (like Mathematica, HandBrake, a fork-bomb, and several other apps).

    For me at home, the only reason I'd want a Tower would be for the X1900 video option. The Core2Duo iMac is more than powerful enough in every other way (even the occasional video work). I don't loose money when I'm waiting on a computational cycle though (like some of the people here)

    At work, it's a different story. I'm looking for a very small computational cluster or One large computational node and 4 CPU cores may not be enough for multiple users.
    Quad Dual-Core Opterons are too expensive so the Dual Quad-Core Intel systems would be perfect. The only problem is, at 1.66 and 1.83GHz, I'd likely be better off with 2 dual-core Core2Xeons running at 3.0GHz because they'd retire threads much faster and they run cooler (our chiller is over 20 years old so heat is a big issue). The Quad-Core Xeon chips run back up into the thermal range of the old P4 family chips. My whole excuse for new funding is to replace cluster of 22 single processor cluster nodes (ranging from 750MHz to 1GHz Athlons).

    BTW.. it was some stupid ffakr who predicted in the last thread on this topic that we wouldn't see quad-core mac towers at this time. :-)
    I still suspect we'll see Quad-Core chips in one or two high end Tower models only and that will happen at MWSF at the earliest. I also think that it is no coincidence that Apple hasn't replaced the old PPC XServe Cluster Node yet. :-) Considering the relatively low part cost if moving from dual to quad cores.. I suspect that Apple will return the XServe Cluster Node and it may be Dual quad-core only.


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  • mi5moav
    Sep 7, 12:19 PM
    I really believe that Itunes will not be housing the ITMS, I think IMOV or another app will be used for the video store. So, if someone works hard as hell 80 hours a week and only makes $5.00 and hour so he can support his family and then you have a plumber who just graduated highschool making $95 bucks every 1/2 hour to support his crack habit, that's the kinda of society you are looking for. Most Docs and Lawyers make about 2x to 3x a normal living wage in Europe, and they get along with the so called comon folks just fine. If a fry cook where to ask a Dr. to come to his house for some beer the Doc would probably sue the guy. Anyway... new "IMOVIE STORE" .APP

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  • SuperMacMan
    Oct 4, 01:48 AM
    Does anybody know how it will fit in a last gen case?

    I have the new iPod Touch, but I am looking for a temporary solution until stores recieve the new cases.

    No dice. I have a 1st & 2nd gen touch, tried the cases I have for them on my new one, no way jos�! The new iPod touch is a good 0.5cm narrower, a good bit thinner and shorter than the older models. Old cases just let the iPod slide around in it.

    I too am having the problem with a lack of retail stores selling cases. The only store that has them only have a Belkin one I don't like, and it's $35 AUD!! I managed to find a Chinese shopping centre stall that had one for $10, so I got that for in the mean time. It fits, but the volume & sleep/wake buttons don't line up correctly, but I'll deal with it until I get a good one.

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  • miloblithe
    Aug 31, 02:36 PM
    I really think it's about time the Superdrive came standard on all Apple computers, it 2006 not 1996. Hopefully the MacBook will also get Superdrive in both models.

    The first mac to even come with the option of a superdrive (meaning writes DVDs) was the PowerMac G4 that came out January 2001. In 1996, Macs didn't even come with CD-R drives.

    Jan 9, 08:23 AM
    some better pics of my 135i...



    Mar 21, 07:11 PM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....
    Everyone is buying IBMs and if Apple doesn't do something then they are dead.

    Not exactly. Everyone's buying DELLs.

    And, For What its worth, apples market share may be lower over time, but thier installed/customer base IS increasing. Just not at the same growth level as the Big Players. The only thing that prevents apples larger growth is largely microsoft.

    When customers cant access the website they want, take classes to learn MS office only on PC's because the mac version is different, cant use all the same peripherals as windows users (not as bad as it used to be for sure) etc, apple will grow slower than the bigger PC companies.

    How come Acer isnt dying with its meager 3 percent market share?
    Lower prices don't seem to help them that much...
    Its much more than price that determines market share, things like advertising...which is what apple is actually doing for the iPod.

    Apr 3, 11:16 AM
    celticpride wrote:
    "It worked for me too on DP1. On DP2, I had to install Snow Leopard first."

    and NameUndecided replied:
    "DP2 can't install on a blank disk/partition. Needs to install as an update on top of DP 1 or Snow Leopard. (?)"

    I just installed DP2 onto a blank partition on a spare disk.

    What I did:
    - Booted up in DP1
    - Opened disk image of DP2 onto the desktop
    - Launched the installer. When it prompted me for a volume to install to, I selected a blank partition
    - Installed DP2 onto the blank partition (it requires a reboot after the "preparing to install phase" to get to the actual "install" -- Apple should make this clear to users during the installation process that a reboot is part of the normal installation)
    - After the installer was finished, it automatically booted up to DP2 and ran the "Welcome to Mac" song. It then began the regular process of registration.
    - When it asked if I wished to "migrate over" from another Mac (or volume), I choose to import everything from DP1
    - After that, all is well.

    Mar 23, 10:34 AM
    This is a long-shot, but my dream feature for the iPod classic is the ability for bi-directional communication between that and my iPhone. What do I mean? Essentially, tethering the iPod classic to the iPhone so it acts as an extended hard drive for music and videos. This way, in my car, I could utilize Voice Control or the iPod app on the iPhone to select a song from my full library on my iPod classic, and have it stream that music to my iPhone, so that I could still have the phone feature or GPS instructions outputting audio to my car. Bi-directional communication comes into play when, once I've selected my album, or told it to shuffle, I could click the physical "Next" button on my iPod classic. Again.. very niche, but a dream feature for me!

    Mar 24, 01:25 PM
    I'd love to move up on to a 6970� as long as we don't get it when the 7xxx is about to be released.


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