happy face cartoon

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  • bob_hearn
    Sep 1, 12:43 PM
    MacOSXrumors??? There is, if anything, negative correlation between their predictions and reality.

    What Apple had damn well BETTER announce then is Merom MacBook Pros. It's inexplicable that they have not done so already.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 3, 02:31 AM
    I will give it the benefit of the doubt until I get a chance to test drive it.

    Apropos to our discussion here, if Volkswagen takes the Jetta downmarket, that will bode well for GM and the Cruze diesel, which may be able to equal or exceed the new Jetta TDI's level of equipment, refinement and pricepoint.

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  • SirOmega
    Aug 24, 11:21 PM
    Yeah! I was looking at a bunch of minis for a rendering farm, and given the SSE performance improvement over the yonahs (the Pentium-M series have been weak in FP traditionally) this should be fun.

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  • boncellis
    Jul 18, 01:37 PM
    I think rentals are sometimes the way to go. If I want to watch a movie once, a rental is perfect. If I want to watch it 2 or 3 times over many years, I might as well rent it more than once. But I want to watch it many times, month after month or year after year, I ought to own a copy, to save the expense and trouble of renting it. I already have both choices in "hardcopy" format. I'd like to have both choices online too, as conveniently as possible.

    Totally agree. Supposedly Mr. Jobs "lost" this round of negotiations...I wouldn't be surprised if he ceded that point to the studios because he knows something is around the corner. One possibility that jumps to mind is competition between studios to be the first to provide pay-to-own content.

    This is just the ground floor--not if, but when it happens.

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  • Rodimus Prime
    Mar 19, 11:56 AM
    Must we get involved in this? Can't France do something for once by themselves, or any other european nations for that matter? When was the last time they even fired a weapon? You know, the taliban were once known as freedom fighters too. I'm so sick of these countries, let them self destruct, maybe some day they will choose to civilize themselves. Please, no more US to the rescue, and then they all wonder why many Americans have a feeling of exceptionalism. :rolleyes:

    Umm kind of hard to do this with out the US and its military power. My understanding is the US it mostly going to provide support for it but not as much of the combat forces. The support being things like aerial refueling as we have the most of those flying gas tanks. They will circle over the Mediterranean Sea refueling planes going to and from missions. Kind of key to extend the range of the fighters and Fighter bombers.

    Other thing the US I believe will provide is cruise missals as that they can launch from the Mediterranean Sea. This mostly to take out the Air Defenses. They might provide a few bombers to help take out artillery
    US is not taking the lead. But is providing support. US is going to have the other countries really provide most of the planes needed for this.

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  • CEAbiscuit
    Oct 23, 09:26 AM
    Since there is little to no hope that apple will bring back the 12" casing, my powerbook will have to for now. It just seems to keep chugging... the new (free, because of recall) battery seems to further my resolve in resisting to make a move. The earliest purchase of a new powerbook will wait until next year when I can have a new OS. Simpleton's rule...

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  • rasmasyean
    Mar 31, 02:15 PM
    To say any one country defeated the nazis really isn't true. It's as unreasonable a claim as rasmasyean's wargasmic fantasy :p

    As it was, the nazi invasion of russia came very close to success. Would the soviets have defeated the nazis if germany hadn't also been engaged in northern africa and then italy and western europe at the same time they were fighting the soviets? Would they have have beaten Hitler if he hadn't gone against the advice of his generals and made some disastrous decisions? Didn't the Persian supply corridor factor into the soviets being able to hold off the germans? etc etc etc

    The reality is that the allied forces beat the nazis and not any one country.

    But wargasm fantasy aside, I still think that even if the Americans didn't enter the war directly and assuming they didn't supply the Allies with weapons, and they were still able to hold off Nazis by themselves, the Manhattan project sequence was already on the way. It's no doubt that US would have "tested" them not only in Japan, but all over Europe. And I don't think any of the Axis would have kept going.

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  • TuffLuffJimmy
    Jun 24, 01:54 AM
    read the original post? NO! DO I Think that is the only benefit? NO!

    The post only mentions porn. There are several other drawbacks to the Apple way.

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  • weckart
    Apr 11, 06:53 AM
    That said, VW/Audi`s DSG semi auto`s are excellent.

    Agreed and it has transformed my view of autos. I can't change as slickly as the DSG manages in my Audi. That being said, it still needs a bit of help coming into roundabouts or sharp bends and I miss having a biting point when stopping at traffic lights uphill. Fuel economy is as good as a manual, surprisingly enough.

    Currently driving an auto Mercedes, whilst mine is in the workshop. Nowhere near as slick.

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  • Yakuza
    Nov 28, 07:37 AM
    my last purchase

    a 3 weekend (saturday 09h-18h) iPhone developer course - 794.76$

    and 2 receipts from the Veterinarian Hospital for my female cat - 325.25$

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  • Genetheninja
    Apr 26, 04:31 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Iphone: Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    How can it be generic if no one had one before apple created there's? Suddenly everyone calls their market place an app store. There've been digital stores for years, and none were app stores.

    I agree!!

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  • twoodcc
    Oct 10, 10:54 AM
    Yup, but actually almost at 4mio with points of my old team combined ;)

    What I am shooting for is the #5 overall spot of the team, maybe by year end...

    oh wow. nice.

    hey it's good to have goals. right now my goal is to get into the top 20. second goal is 2 million points after that, which would put me around 11th or 12th

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  • Big-TDI-Guy
    Mar 7, 09:04 AM
    Of recent memory - I've had no issue starting all the way down to -26C. Haven't gone colder, yet. Driving this diesel for 7 years now.

    Most places that DO get very cold - treat their diesel fuel to prevent wax crystals accumulating. Only issues with this are low-volume stations that may have summer hold-over (haven't yet received winter-grade fuel). Or, you could be living in southern Cali - and decide for a road trop to Canada in December (might have some issues there, too) But for these situations you can put in your own additive.

    All this said, I've never needed any additive myself, car is never garaged, and has never failed to start as of yet.

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  • Stridder44
    Apr 19, 01:15 PM
    Yay, news that's something other than iOS related.

    Now hopefully the Mac Mini will get updated as well.

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  • bluewire
    Sep 1, 01:56 PM
    Most of the posts in this thread are about the 23" screen. Yes, I think it will happen to allow the imac to play 1080i/1080p HD.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

    So I would say that the 23" iMac would kill 2 birds - Conroe and HD for the home user. :)

    Merom is 64 bit enabled, IIRC

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  • heffemonkeyman
    Sep 6, 08:34 PM
    Planet Germany ;) The not so expensive part of it though (other Germans are quite surprised too). Macs are pretty expensive here though, IMHO. And there isn't a single store you can get Macs... in a town with 200000 people or so. Oh well...

    Wie Geht's!

    In most major US cities (I'm in Seattle) 1st run movies in the theaters are over $10.
    So $9.99 for a movie download starts to look more reasonable...

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  • Doctor Q
    Aug 16, 12:59 PM
    I don't know how credible this particular Digitimes story is, but I can't imagine that Apple isn't working on wireless iPod capability. It won't be all things to all people, but it's probably necessary because it'll open the door to more features, because more and more consumers expect gadgets to have wireless capabilities, and because Apple wants to stay well ahead of all competition.

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  • Galex
    Sep 7, 07:39 AM
    Apple keeps track of all the songs you buy anyway, so it's my opinion that you should be able to just "get another copy" if you have already purchased a song. I think this would be especially great for movies. That way you won't have to eat up precious hard drive space. You could purchase your movie, download it, watch it, delete it, and then re-download the movie if you want to view it again.

    My thought exactly! Apple should be the holder of a virtual movie library, in which you would have access to all the films you have ever bought from Apple, possibly limited to a fixed number of computers per account. iTunes or some new software would keep track of the films in your library, including all kinds of information and trivia about the movies you have purchased. You should be able to save your films on your own hard drive or DVD-R if you wish, but Apple would provide the long-term storage capacity necessary for people who have large collections.


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  • richard.mac
    Apr 3, 12:26 AM
    Recent files now show in the Dock menu of closed and open apps (not sure if this is new), clicking show recents shows them as tiles like as in DP1


    Spotlight has smaller icons and Google and Wikipedia (been mentioned), but now has dictionary meanings again and the pronunciation


    Directory Utility now has an editor which is like OS X Server's Workgroup Manager. presumably as Server will be included now.

    - can press ctrl+up again to close Mission Control, doesnt work with ctrl-down for Expos� app windows though
    - the Sites folder in home is gone (Apache and Web Sharing still there though)

    overall things just seem a little quicker, animations are smoother and getting less Dock, SystemUIServer & Finder crashes. still a few crashes and UI bugs around the place.

    Apr 20, 10:15 PM
    I think that's one of the reasons why Apple has held off with the iMac upgrade. They wanted the MacBook Pro to be ahead for a few months because it's a "pro" model line.

    When I don't see hipsters, students, and soccer moms using Macbook "Pros" at Starbucks, then I'll believe that it's a "Pro" model

    Feb 23, 08:33 PM
    I'm not going to go to all that trouble, VM's seem like kind of a pain.

    VMs really aren't that bad. it's worth it. with just 1 gpu and and VM, i'm getting around 25k ppd. with 2 gpu, you'd get over 30kppd.

    I've just tried it in bios without much luck.

    oh. which motherboard do you have? i've had a little trouble with mine, i'm stuck at 3.7 ghz (still not bad).

    This (http://www.overclockers.com/3-step-guide-overclock-core-i3-i5-i7/) guide might help you some

    Apr 20, 04:28 PM
    Common Upgrades

    1. Thunderbolt port
    2. HDMI out
    3. Sandybridge

    Why would they put an HDMI port on it when they can just put the TB port on and then sell an adapter? Win-win for them.

    Dont Hurt Me
    Sep 1, 02:52 PM
    Apple used to have all-in-ones, consumer towers, pro towers, etc. Remember the PowerMac 6400? Too many products is too confusing for the consumer. If that means that a couple of people can't get the exact configuration they want, so be it.Apple still needs to sell a not overpriced cube, Millions,perhaps billions have monitors that are just fine. What they need is a machine between near nothing Mini and workstation MacPro. Its been said a million times so here it is again.:)

    Sep 22, 05:50 AM
    What was the checkout like? Did you have to go through their checkout? I'm always suspicious of those places, and am concerned that they're using unsecured special checkouts and/or are stealing identities. And I'm not usually a suspicious person.

    If you are in ebay and you click on the the paypal link to ebay on the ebay website there is no way that such a thing could happen.


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