wallpaper army

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  • Chundles
    Sep 20, 02:29 AM
    Well crap. Is Hitler back from the dead or something?


    Bad joke. I'm tired. Night-night.

    You look tired, off to bed for you.

    This is the best, it's the one time of year the american mac addicts have to stay up till all hours to see the updates and I don't. No offense to you americans I'm just stoked I don't have to stay up.

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  • writeous
    Jan 12, 08:36 PM
    Thats a ridiculous name. naming a laptop with the word air just doesnt seem to fit, even if it is as light as a sheet of paper...

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  • maturola
    Mar 3, 08:39 AM
    I know we'll know for sure real soon, but I was just wondering if there's any expectation one way or the other regarding how likely the ipad2 will be jailbreak-able, either with the current apps or with current known but unused exploits.

    way , way wayyyyyyyyyyy too early to tell, iPad2 is a whole new device, new processor, new firmware (with new drivers to support the new devices), new interfaces, new internal devices, most of drivers are going to be updated, HDMI out support, so all those changes mean that pretty much anything we curretnly have is pretty much useless, until someone can get their hands on it and on the 4.3 GM release, there isn't much work that can be done.

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  • jondob
    May 4, 10:26 PM
    It seems now it wont take the cd at all... When I restart I do hear the drive kinda setting back in place but the cd doesn't even go in it now...

    I burned a DVD today but now its not even taking the cd in...

    What should I do

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  • Nightarchaon
    May 3, 03:41 PM
    Unless they change the power supply the only thing really to update is either the price or the capacity.

    I thought they had fixed the capacitor problem. The first batch (1 year+) was dying, but have they continued to die for newer models?

    ive had, the original 512gb die at 14months, a 2Tb die at 8 months, and another "2nd gen" 1Tb die at 14 months.

    the only thing they "fixed" was a firmware update that keeps the HDD spun down as much as possible to minimise heat build up and turns the internal useless fan on low almost all the time, the components in my original TM and the new TM are identical apart from the upgrade double antenna WIFI and bigger HDD.

    apple will ignore a design fault if they can "patch around it" and potentially fix it if they can be bothered to way down the line

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  • jamesdav15
    Mar 11, 10:54 AM
    I'm going go to early, around 10/11. Will let you all know how long the line is.

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  • Mal
    Feb 15, 03:00 PM
    Oh, ok.

    How about designing a new packaging for tea bags, something that's unique and makes it easy to pull out a single bag without opening a box. While not necessary, I think it'd be cool to see a new design for that.

    Again, thoroughly random here.


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  • Darwin
    Jan 8, 05:42 PM
    To use the G5 as a file server simply requires turing on File Sharing option in System Prefs > Sharing.

    Depending on the OS version you can setup file sharing for Mac and Windows. Since the G5 is headless as you said you can also activate the vnc screen sharing which will allow you view and access it over the network. Ideally using wired will provide the best throughput since you will be limited to G (54mbps) speeds.

    If your main aim is to share iPhoto and iTunes libraries it might be easier to setup sharing from within the apps themselves, of course iPhoto as far as i'm aware doesn't have a counterpart for Windows which can use Bonjour. That iPhoto encloses the whole library within a packaged file making it more tricky for simple file sharing.

    wallpaper army. %IMG_DESC_9%
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  • Young Spade
    Apr 22, 01:17 AM
    Haha luckily for you (and I as well) they do, for free, with no questions asked. This is widely known that the polycarbonate Macs crack around the area near the bottom of the screen (plastic) and at the palm rest around the corners.

    Just call ahead, make sure they have the part in stock (tell them that it's cracked and ask if they can fix it in house) and if so, head over there, drop it off, find something to do, and come back later that day and pick it up :)

    The bottom palm rest of my blackbook is cracked and I'm planning on going to the nearest Apple store as soon as I get off for the summer to get it fixed.

    wallpaper army. %IMG_DESC_10%
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  • aussie_geek
    May 6, 10:51 PM
    My Uptime - 12 hours :p

    Do you pay your electricity bill?

    Also that is one sure way to fry your Mac. Power surge can happen at any time.. Do you really trust those $100 surge boards for 24/7 use or do you have UPS.

    Also think of how much dust gets in there...

    Not smart to leave your computer on 24/7.

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  • shartypants
    Apr 22, 03:49 PM
    Oo, I'm going right out and buying one! NOT! Page 1?

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  • AmTechFox
    Nov 14, 04:04 AM
    iTunes Connect to Shutter Over Christmas, Apparently Still Open Over Thanksgiving

    I believe you mean: to shut, not shutter? :D

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    Dec 28, 03:41 PM
    I mean, yeah, but it's not worth worrying about. Maybe if you reformat 10 times a day...but how many times are you really going to do it...

    You could argue that opening and closing your Macintosh HD could create more wear and tear on the HD than letting it sit.

    On the iMac, you can replace the HD though, so if worst comes to worst, and it's out of warranty, you can just but a new one.

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  • MarioB
    Mar 14, 03:51 PM
    Haven't tried it but i've heard of iswift (or was it iswifter?) is an app similar to skyfire and it lets you play flash through their proxy servers

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  • DannyNguyener
    Apr 26, 02:43 PM
    Thank you so much! Your the best!

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  • jondob
    May 4, 05:22 PM
    Have had my macbook 13 inch 2011 for about a month now.

    Sometimes when I go to burn a cd i put the cd in but it doesnt grab the cd it doesnt even work..

    When I go to reset the computer I can hear the drive put it self back in place, then once the comuter is back from restart it will take the cd in...

    Not a huge deal but kinda annoying when I have to retart everytime..

    Is there a reason why this is happening?

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  • Leet Apple
    Dec 29, 05:11 PM

    MacBook Pro and iPhone 3G have kept me very entertained

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  • caspersoong
    Apr 23, 12:15 AM
    I think that the White iPhone 4 will only reach my country by the time iPhone 5 in announced. No market at all here.

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  • TheMacMaster
    May 2, 08:16 PM
    sorry about that just was realy annoyed about my mac. and i will create my own in future thanks for help:apple:

    Sep 21, 09:01 AM
    Samsung gives 3 years even for OEM.I have never used a Samsung drive, nor do I know anybody who has. Do they actually make their own? Or do they get drives relabeled from another company?

    Jan 10, 11:09 AM
    does firefox have a key command for cycling through tabs?

    Jun 17, 03:20 PM
    For some reason, I can't get the "View in iTunes" link to work. I'm a paid iPhone developer, but it says "The Apple ID and password you entered does not provide access to ADC on iTunes."

    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Apr 25, 06:41 PM
    I agree completely. Enjoy your new Birthday gift.

    No one but Apple knows a date, what SB will or won't bring or anything at this point.

    To many uncertainties ... now the speed is good, so is the heat and fan noise ... best we've ever seen on the Airs.

    Have fun.

    Mar 19, 10:27 PM
    Oh, thank you, but how do you get them?


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