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  • mcdj
    Apr 14, 02:46 PM
    I just updated mine and there is a noticeable difference in speed with this update. It is much faster in opening applications and text messages.

    as is usually the case after a reboot.

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  • vincenz
    Apr 11, 08:15 PM

    Really nice shot. iPhone wallpaper :)

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  • puma1552
    Nov 16, 11:21 PM
    Aeropostale is NOT related to, owned by or a subsidiary of Abercrombie and Fitch. Thanks.

    So it's just a really crappy company that stands on its own?


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  • AndroidfoLife
    Apr 23, 08:55 PM
    Indeed, there have been reports saying that the return rate of the Thunderbolt is quite high due to this very issue.

    I was considering going over to verizon for it but ill just stay on Tmo and get the Samsung galaxy s2

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  • anjinha
    Apr 24, 07:20 PM
    the fact is nobody knows the facts ... it could have been a Man trying to disguise himself as a Woman to gain access to the Woman's washroom.

    maybe he was not a transgender and was a threat to young girls in the bathroom.

    I don't think anybody has all the facts ... he was hardly beaten to the point where this thread is labeled "almost killed"

    Yeah, having a seizure from getting beaten up is a walk in the park...

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  • thatsmyaibo
    Apr 16, 07:28 PM
    I'm running this with my Core 2 Duo and it's pretty sluggish. I don't what what's going on in the background but my browsers are slow and my 2TB hard drive get's accessed when I access things that aren't even relevant.

    Also, is it me or is Time Machine extremely annoying in Lion?

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  • rmwebs
    Apr 28, 05:00 PM
    Here's another way to slice it (literally). Flipped half the image. Left the guidelines on this one as well.

    Image (

    I agree that this is no substitute for measuring the actual phone, but, at least in that photo, they are identical. Certainly not off by 1mm as the original post states.

    Take a closer look at those edges there...they aren't lined up correctly, still meaning the results are out. I agree that its certainly not 1mm, but its still not getting an accurate result. I might even go as far as to say the plastic is thicker, and the band is thinner.

    If you look at the middle gridline, you can see very light masking from the black overlapping the white...not a major amount but enough to be a few microns out of shape.

    Maybe we should just grab a couple of iphones for...ahem....testing purposes! :)

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  • Apple...
    Apr 22, 05:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPod; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)


    Likely: same design as current iPhone with antenna tweaks, A5 dual-core chip, more RAM, 8MP back camera, 1.3MP front camera, 64GB capacity (max), iOS 5, incresased battery life, etc.

    Somewhat Likely: "gestures", LiquidMetal, 4G (probably not till 2012, but who knows), improved display, etc.

    Not Likely: complete redesign

    That's what I'm betting on. I know I'm probably forgetting some things, but oh well.

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  • DewGuy1999
    Sep 14, 07:53 AM
    Disagree about the LP album being even close to good, but I stated that before:rolleyes:

    CD's? That's still just about all I purchase, beside my vinyl collection:D I want a physical copy for everything, and I like to have the artwork, AND get it signed by the artist when I see them live. I also get the ticket and place it behind the CD holder in the case. With my Genelec 1030A's I can tell if it's an MP3 or not:p Now where did the sweet spot between my speakers go again:rolleyes:

    And on top of all that, it's your property to do with as you please...forever.:)

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  • flopticalcube
    Apr 11, 02:42 PM
    I've seen what TB can do and it's great. But what I'm saying is that it will be HARD for TB to step into a USB-dominated computer industry and just kill USB altogether from all angles. Will TB be faster than USB 3.0? real world use by 90% of the consumers/prosumers out there? Maybe. Maybe not. It's like asking Bluray to come in and just dominate the DVD's been trying and 3+ years BluRay is doing well, but the average Joe understands he needs to re-purchase all this movies as well as purchase a hi-def tv and stereo receiver to take advantage of all the features of Bluray (I love Bluray, by the way). It's time, money, and not everyone sees the value or HAS A NEED for that value.

    Will people throw out all their USB devices and twiddle their thumbs waiting for TB devices other than hard drives (cameras, printers, video cams, keyboards, mice, flash keys,)? No. Of course not.

    Speed vs. Speed is 1 argument...versatility is another. But again, what I'm really saying is to look around you and ask yourself if the world is just going to dump USB technology for TB? Nope. TB will likely coincide with USB 3.0 just like eSATA and Firewire.

    We'll see in a few years where we are.

    My issue with USB has always been that it goes through the CPU. At the speeds of USB 3.0, this could really bite performance.

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  • CaryMacGuy
    Apr 22, 09:52 AM
    I really want to see an LTE iPhone in 2012. I recently bought a Droid X on a 1 year contract because I wanted a phone with a large screen (and the iPhone 4 has a pretty small screen for today's phones). When my 1 year contract is up, I will look at all the smartphone offerings available at that time and make a decision on what to get next. I want Apple to make the short list but if there is no LTE iPhone, I will find it really hard to want to lock myself into 2 years with last generation technology.

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  • redAPPLE
    Jul 25, 08:34 AM
    I voted negative on this story. As I was hoping that Apple would concentrate on fixing the sticking scrollbars on the current Mighty Mouses, (or make it easier to open them and clean) before they just made it wireless.

    Also, I'n not a big fan of using batteries in mice. Why not have a wireless mouse that is re-chargable? Or one that you can use wires with if the battery gets low?

    well you could use rechargeable batteries.

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  • daneoni
    Apr 13, 08:18 PM
    Couldn't care less.

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  • richard4339
    Apr 14, 03:05 PM
    Things seem to be smoother with my VZ iPhone 4 opening and closing programs. I always though my iPTouch 4G was snappier than my VZ iPhone but I think they are on par with each other now. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just did a speedtest and I have yet to ever hit those numbers until now. I was averaging anywhere from 650-1200kbps and sometimes 1500kbps on rare occasions.

    (Picture will resize if it is huge. I apologize. It just takes a little bit of time for Photobucket to catch up.)

    My upload is better, but my download is the same.

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  • deloreanz
    Mar 16, 09:02 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8F190 Safari/6533.18.5)

    About 20 ppl in line, get here, the rumor is they have a decent quantity.

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  • goosnarrggh
    Dec 5, 12:48 PM
    Furthermore, one of the MOKB flaws is just a bug and is not actually a security vulnerability. The dmg vulnerability, wherein a malformed disk image can crash OS X and during this inject uknown code, has been debunked according to this guy (

    Indeed on first read, I'd say that he presents a convincing argument. I'll go along with his diagnosis that there's no hole that could open you up to arbitrary code execution. If that's your definition of a security hole, then it follows that there's no security hole there. But it's still leaving you open the possibility that the operating system may crash for no apparent reason, causing you to lose any unsaved work.

    Lost work... Depending on how productive you are, that can easily result in monetary damage being done.

    As I posted previously, that leaves you in no worse a situation than you always are if you're running a desktop computer without a UPS. But I think that it still warrants attention.

    At best it still qualifies as an inconvenience, because the savvy user who saves her work regularly will only have lost 5 or 6 minutes of productivity including the reboot. At worst, it can result in hours of lost work for the user who doesn't understand the "save your work" mantra -- especially if we're talking about somebody who's protected by a battery backup and doesn't think that unexpected reboots should be possible on such an inherently stable operating system.

    And it's undoubtedly a bug inside Apple's software that's causing this problem, therefore it is absolutely appropriate that Apple should be expected to fix it. I appreciate anybody's effort to bring such bugs to light, because that increases the probability that Apple will find out about it and fix it.

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  • abhimat.gautam
    Mar 31, 04:50 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    I think this would have worked fine for just the full screen mode. But for the window I think it is just too distracting. Having a brown window in a sea of uniform gray windows, even in the background, will be continually distracting.

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  • jav6454
    Apr 21, 11:59 AM
    It's good to see you in the game Jav.

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    Not exactly... -aggie- and I have a history in this forum... so... when we do disagree its usually because its him or me on a mood. Mostly him, since he is old...:D:D:D:eek::D

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  • LightSpeed1
    Apr 24, 10:53 PM
    Next up... Sprint.

    Apple OC
    May 1, 10:41 PM
    I wonder who owns the Mansion he was staying at? ... seems like some bad choices made by them.

    Apr 26, 12:24 PM
    A rumor of a $20 annual fee ruins your day? :eek:

    Eh, I guess you could say i'm having a rough day to begin with :o

    Apr 28, 04:34 PM
    I just did that, and loaded one of them into Photoshop for a little measurement. Here is what I got:

    Image (

    That ones not really too accurate due to the camera angle...its on a slope.

    Also just run this through myself.

    I get 79.2 on the White iPhone and 78.9 on the black. Given that I also had to level the image that sounds about right. Theres no way you can call your or my results accurate from a wonky photo however as photoshop attempts to enhance an image when rotating to level, thus distorting the original.

    Apr 14, 08:32 AM
    It's the mythical xMac! :p

    can i has one?


    Apr 13, 02:24 PM
    Not a single analyst has explained WHY this would be better for Apple than simply selling more Apple TVs. They just say it like it makes sense and expect us to believe them.

    I'm sorry, but that's not good enough.

    WHY would Apple want to take on shipments of large, expensive packages?

    WHY would Apple want to limit their market for a new product to people who want an entirely new TV?

    WHY do you think Apple cares more about what logo is on the back of the TV that by what software is showing up on the screen?

    And WHY isn't the Apple TV good enough for the goal of getting the iOS and iTunes worlds into the living room?

    I think the changes to the latest Apple TV is a sign of where Apple wants to be headed. The next Apple TV will be even smaller and come free when you buy a Mac, iPad, or iPhone. Wait and see! Just like giving e-mail away helps Google's ecosystem, so does getting Apple TVs into people's houses help Apple's ecosystem.

    Selling some $2,000 TV doesn't help with that.

    I'd agree that it doesn't make much sense. But that doesn't mean I think Apple will never do it! Apple (i.e. Jobs?) are obsessed with controlling the entire user-experience, and as such might love to add their own HDTV to complete the solution.

    There's a lot of potential to add a lot more integration between TV and Mac/PC. Typically this has just been "PC as a video/audio source for the TV", but you could add on-screen notifications/messages even while watching other sources (such as cable), far better TV-based browsers, faster & better looking TV-guides etc.

    Yes there is a lot of competition out there, but Apple are quite good at taking on a "commodity" low-margin market and adding value to it and thriving. And I'd love to see the design they come up with.


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