painting with light photographers

painting with light photographers. photographty painting light
  • photographty painting light

  • MNSUGrad07
    Jul 11, 03:13 PM
    Hmm... so if Microsoft's track record with Vista can tell us anything. I predict this should be ready around Christmas of 2009! :D All kidding aside, I don't see Apple resting on its laurels. As long as Apple continues to come up with new ideas, Microsoft is going to continue to play catch up.

    painting with light photographers. Jaras takes light painting
  • Jaras takes light painting

  • biggerbearbrian
    Oct 19, 09:03 AM
    *sigh* How many times do we have to refute your assertions with facts before you stop repeating them?

    To wit, the iPod is not Apple's "cash cow". By definition, if there is something that gains more revenue/profit than the iPod, then the iPod cannot be the cash cow. 58% of Apple's revenue still came from sales of Macs. Gross margins for both Macs and iPods has always been similar (hovering a bit below 30%), so the Mac also generates the majority of the profit for Apple.

    As for Apple's innovative spirit lacking when it comes to the Macs, let's just point out that it Apple updated the iPod in October 2005 to the 5th generation, and we JUST got the 5.5th generation last month. Apple took a year to add slightly brighter screens, better battery life (only for video), and games. The nano just gained the anodized aluminum exterior -- wow, Apple's reaching back to the past for it's innovation now! And the shuffle got slimmed down and consolidated into one product. All this doesn't sound exactly like innovation to me. (Of course, Apple doesn't really need to innovate, since they're already selling iPods by the boatload.)

    In contrast, Apple brought all of its Macs over to the Intel processor. The Mac Pro was dramatically higher value, what with double-wide graphics card slot, dual optical drives, 4 internal hard drive bays, etc., etc. All Macs (except for the Mac Pro) now have Front Row and a remote, which is a great feature. Built-in iSights have also migrated across the entire product line. The MacBook and MacBook Pro now have MagSafe -- a great innovation. Boot Camp is now supported on all new Macs. The Xserve has new features like lights-out management, redundant power supplies, etc. And we've seen some great things coming for Leopard, what with Time Machine and Spaces and iChat Theater and Core Animation and iCal Server, etc., etc., etc.

    It seems to me that Apple is innovating more on the Macintosh side of things than they are with the iPod. What are they going to add next on the iPod -- wireless? *gasp*, so innovative!

    Seriously, can we stop with this myth already? It's the same thing with all of Apple's "woes" with quality control (which was busted by the recent consumer reports articles where Apple has actually brought DOWN the number of new computers needing repair in their first year). It's something that's repeated ad nauseum by a few vocal people, when it's really not a problem at all. Same here: everybody gawks and writes about the iPod precisely because more people can afford it and more people can use it with whatever computer they have. So, obviously, you will hear more about the iPod.

    Let's see if repeating myself again has any effect: the iPod is not Apple's cash cow!

    Understood now?

    OK, now fire away :rolleyes:

    I think the argument can go either way. While iPod (which I love btw) is less than half Apple revenue ok. But if they were to just add the iPod line today, and have the amount of revenue they are reporting from it, the financial report would be "iPod has given us nearly a 100% increase in revenue".

    So get some hershey's syrup, cause we got milk.

    painting with light photographers. Dreaming Light ( Painting with
  • Dreaming Light ( Painting with

  • ucfgrad93
    Apr 26, 04:15 PM
    I chose you, Plutonius, cause I liked the sound of your screen name. It reminds me of a Roman name. There is no mysterious protecting of someone else. On day one the voting is pretty much a crap shoot, and unfortunately, it looks like your number came up.

    painting with light photographers. Light Painting - Stuart
  • Light Painting - Stuart

  • AcesHigh87
    Apr 27, 12:08 PM
    It was an employee. You don't need to have 'just a hunch' when most of the media reports confirm this. The employee was fired.

    I can understand not reading the whole thread, but not reading anything and preferring to make up your own version of events is kind of lazy.

    If you look above your post you would be having no reason to assume laziness and insult me in that way which I don't particularly care for. I was simply wishing to weigh in on the situation without reading through all 6 pages since most of the messages contained are rather lengthy. While I can admit I probably should have looked into the facts before replying on them I don't your attitude towards me is entirely needed.

    I wasn't making up my own version of events I was simply making an assumption based off of the attitude I saw portrayed in the video and, yes, that assumption was wrong. A fact I admitted above.

    painting with light photographers. of quot;painting with lightquot;:
  • of quot;painting with lightquot;:

  • j-traxx
    Apr 16, 03:40 AM
    By that same vein, what has Apple ever developed that's anything close to a OS ? And no, Mac OS X, a bunch of components bought/taken from the open source community doesn't count... it's just a Unix distribution with a GUI layer on top. :rolleyes:

    It's easy to discount anything going with that mentality. The fact is, Chrome OS is as much an undertaking as OS X was. It's more than just a "Web browser" since web browsers cannot be booted and don't provide graphical sub-systems, input management and process scheduling obviously.

    (yes, I do realise Mac OS Classic existed).

    And to answer your question directly : Android. ;)

    fail. google didnt make android. and the fact that you used a winking smiley to illustrate your victoryfail makes it all the more sad. :-(

    painting with light photographers. how to paint with light
  • how to paint with light

  • nobunaga209
    Feb 1, 05:04 PM
    More goodies for the CBR; HID kit, gear indicator, and black fuel cap.!CBl0hcg!Wk~$(KGrHqZ,!hQE0fktnbWbBNIT,DSNOg~~0_12.JPG!CESUw8!EGk~$(KGrHqJ,!lgEz+2LF49pBNR,m,IWBw~~0_12.JPG

    painting with light photographers. Painting with Light
  • Painting with Light

  • MagnusVonMagnum
    Nov 20, 10:40 AM
    If you don't address those very good reasons, your argument won't be very convincing. We do not want the CPU suck, the identity leaking, the UI inconsistencies, and the very real risk of "zero day" Adobe bugs.

    Whom am I trying to convince? Illogical and irrational people who worship Steve Jobs and hate what he hates? Such people will not care or listen to any form of reason. That's why the word fanatic is in fanboy. No, I talk about an option to turn Flash on or off at will and you find it offensive to even offer an option. That is irrational at best.

    Everything you fear would be avoided if someone just turned Flash OFF (or it could default to off and have to be turned on). I've said since the first post the word OPTION. You don't seem to comprehend that word or understand why those of us that would want the choice of having Flash are not asking you to give up anything in the process. You could always turn it off if it were present. We cannot turn it on if it's not present.

    In other words, you are not competent to carry on a rational discussion. You're just here to vent.

    No, I just don't see any point in trying to carry on a logical, rational discussion with someone whose "argument" is based purely on emotion. If it weren't, you wouldn't object to an option for those of us that don't agree with Steve Jobs point of view because an option satisfies all your arguments against having Flash because you can always just leave it OFF. It cannot do harm if it's off no matter how paranoid you may become about having it on your device.

    Many millions of people have Flash installed on their Macs (let alone those using Windows and Linux) and they could remove it. They know that if they do, some web sites will cease to function properly and thus they leave it on. The security concerns you mentioned will be addressed as all security bugs are in both OSX and Windows.

    Users of those 120M+ devices don't have to hope. They are already free of Flash!

    Free of Flash? You say that in a tone that sounds like they're free of slavery or something. No, what they're free of is the ability to access millions of web sites that require Flash to view them or much of their content and I do not see that as a good thing. But my point of view doesn't require you to see it. I said from the first post I wanted an option to use Flash. You could still choose to turn it off if it were there. I cannot turn on what is not present nor should I have to buy some absurd 3rd party converter that requires their web site to be running to use it.

    The analogy makes no sense. Nobody is forcing you to use any Apple product.

    And so that makes it OK for him to behave as he does? A lot of us like Apple products, but we would like them a lot better if Steve would just stick to making the products unfettered instead of trying to force his opinions and world view on people in the process. He doesn't like Flash so he decides for everyone they should not use Flash. What if Steve decided iOS shall no longer support MP3 files, only AAC? I suppose you would accept that as OK too? Update iOS and your MP3s no longer function. Yes, that would be just wonderful if they did that. After all, AAC is superior to MP3, so why should Apple support a legacy inferior heavily pirated format? By your logic, they should not.

    If you really want the "full web experience" of zero-day Adobe bugs, get an Android phone. Note: Android phones were vulnerable to the last zero-day Adobe bug. (

    I don't want a phone period guy. I only want and use an iPod Touch. Is there an Android iPod Touch? Android didn't exist when Apple made the claims of accessing the full Internet either and it doesn't make that any less a lie.

    The fact that I can't catch zero-day Adobe attacks on my iPhone is a great reason to praise Apple's decision.

    You act as if Apple has no vulnerabilities to attack. That is extremely naive to the point of emotionalism once again. In fact it's just the opposite. Apple's security is rated as bad compared to Windows and only the fact that there are so few Mac users compared to Windows has saved it thus far. As the popularity of iOS devices has exploded, it's inevitable that it will start attracting malware. It's only a matter of time. Will you wish you never bought an iPhone on that day or will you recognize that companies simply have to find and patch vulnerabilities. Apple has patched numerous security flaws in OSX over the years. Should we plug our ears and say there is no such thing?

    Do tell: what exact sites are you talking about? What exact legacy flash applications are running on those sites to which you can find no substitute?

    A quick search (you do know how to do that don't you?) reveals offhand a few example sites that don't use HTML5 video (which could and may in the future, but that doesn't help someone today):

    Playstation Blog
    Stiq of Joy

    Try some of these effects on this site this with HTML5:

    Maybe read this article on Flash. Most HTML5 is just a video player. Flash isn't just a video player and it didn't even start as one.

    Perhaps you want an open standard? So when does Apple stop requiring Quicktime on their web sites? :rolleyes:

    Nobody is holding a gun to your head. Nobody is holding you hostage.

    If you don't like the choices that Apple made, then ditch your iOS device and get an Android. Simple.

    No, they're just boring me to death with emotional arguments why everyone should either worship Steve Jobs or leave the platform and get an Android instead similar to the "love OSX or leave it" arguments the fanboys regularly produce.

    This is the first little lie in your rant. The iOS users don't find it inconvenient. If Flash were so damn important to them, they would have bought some device that could run Flash.

    The fact that you think my statement is a "lie" based on a subjective opinion tells me you cannot even tell fact from fiction let alone lies from opinions. Trying to see someone else's point of view is completely foreign to you. You view the world through tinted lenses. What you say is akin to if you don't like something about OSX, go buy a Windows machine, as if there aren't any compromises along the way on that platform either (not to mention having to replace possibly thousands and thousands of dollars worth of software for a given platform to do so). Not liking something about a given platform and wanting to change it doesn't mean another platform is more viable in ALL areas or that a person may wish to spend a lot of money to make that change just because of that one issue. Perhaps you'd like to send me a free Android phone to replace my aging 1st Gen iPod Touch that I bought before Android even existed? I'd happily consider such an offer. Of course I'll need replacement apps as well.

    The people who bought those 120M+ devices disagree with you.

    You seem to forge that I and others that actually want Flash are part of those people dude. Get over yourself. Just because you don't like Flash doesn't mean the rest of us have hatred for it. Some of us simply don't like our iPhones, iPads and iPod Touches crippled for no reason. Besides, how you try to turn my initial argument that I'd prefer to see an option to use Flash for those of us that want it rather than no option into this flipping crusade against all things Apple and Flash alike is beyond me. You are making mountains out of mole hills and lies out of opinions. For what? I can't make you see things the way I see them. I never wanted to try. That's why I said OPTION. But you would deny everyone who wants that option to have it just like Steve Jobs. Steve does it because he's a control freak (he was once ousted from Apple for this very reason). I imagine you do it because you love Apple. Sadly, I actually prefer Steve's reason.

    This is the second little lie. Apple did provide a choice: they approved the SkyFire App. They didn't have to do that.

    Didn't they? It doesn't violate their rules for an app so how could they not approve it without being outright liars? Oh wait. They have done that before so I can see your point. ;)

    Apple has also announced they will approve Flash Apps using Adobe's cross-compiler for iOS. If there actually are crucial Flash apps -- you haven't named a single specific one so far -- the owners of those apps should be able to easily cross-compile their apps for the iOS App Store.

    Apple formerly announced they would NOT support it. Why did they change their minds? Could it have something to do with the Justice Department starting an investigation into anti-trust behaviors by Apple policies? couldn't be that. Apple is allowed to single out companies it doesn't like and compete with to just willy-nilly throw specifically into their license agreements.

    And that is the third little lie. Flash is a proprietary and legacy platform. It's on the way down now.

    I say if you don't have Flash you don't have the full Internet and you call that a "lie" based on the above quote? What freaking UNIVERSE do you live in??????? ROTFLMAO. You cannot tell a statement of fact from an idea in your head that somehow says that the "full internet" doesn't include sites that use "propriety" formats. Come on man. That position not only ignore reality it even invalidiates Apple's own web site as being part of the "full Internet" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You need to try harder. Calling someone a liar when they are obviously stating facts and/or opinions just makes you look immature.

    because accusing someone of lying when it's obvious
    Even Adobe has acknowledged that a Flash-only choice is a bankrupt strategy ( After websites start offering their content with an open standard, you've gotta ask: what exactly is the value in continuing to prop up Flash?

    First of all, you are the one that is calling it a "bankrupt strategy". I see nothing in that thread by Adobe that even addresses the matter. Adobe is simply trying to sell products and if they can easily sell more products to Apple users by providing an easy way to convert their hard work Flash sites into HTML5, they are going to do so and laugh all the way to the bank. That in NO WAY invalidates the fact that there are still plenty of Flash only sites out there and plenty of flash uses (e.g. Flash games) that HTML5 is no simple substitute for regardless. Until the Internet is Flash free, there is going to be a need and a will by people to have the option to view Flash.

    The mere fact that this Skyfire app has raked in over $1 MILLION in sales already shows just how big that will is. Yet you reject the desire to be able to use Flash web sites as meaningless and unnecessary while the thread title alone proves you wrong.

    painting with light photographers. painting with light
  • painting with light

  • AoWolf
    Jul 24, 08:09 PM
    So it got bluetooth and a laser? Eh no thanks I have heard many bad things and have only had bad experience with this mouse. Ill keep my razer.

    painting with light photographers. parabolas-light-painting.jpg
  • parabolas-light-painting.jpg

  • tigress666
    Mar 31, 12:45 PM
    What I want to know is have they made iCal more usable? I'm not sure how I feel about looks but there are quite a few pet peeves I wish they'd address.

    1. When I say enter new appointment, I should be put straight into the edit screen. Not have it put in a unnamed appointment that I have to click at least two more times to actually get into a full edit screen. When I put in a new appointment of course I want it to say more than "new appointment!!!" I want to be able to name it and set a time and maybe even a reminder and tell it what calendar! What's worse is iCal used to work like this and for some reason some dipsh*t decided that some reason when I put in new appointment I just wanted to put in a new appointment at random time... what sense doe that make? (yes, this is a huge pet peeve of mine)

    2. Reminders. First when I set a reminder for 2 days before, display on the appointment/task 2 days before, not how many minutes 2 days before equals.

    Secondly, when it pops up the reminder and I want to tell it to remind me again, give me an option to set reminders. Or at least have more sensible ones (like give me a half a day later option, not just 1 hour or a full day. I want to be reminded later today, but not have to keep hitting one hour if I don't want a full day reminder).

    Those are just the ones I can think of on top of my head, but they both annoy me a lot out of iCal (I really am not that picky. I'm sure people who want more out of their calendar/task app have a lot more things to nitpick about it cause iCal is pretty damned basic and really could use more functionality).

    painting with light photographers. motion blur photography light
  • motion blur photography light

  • jr24
    Sep 13, 04:37 AM
    Just got this in the mail. Cool little 4GB flash drive from Photojojo. Here's the link. (

    holy crap, that is too cool! i want one now. :D

    painting with light photographers. a bright light to paint
  • a bright light to paint

  • scottparker999
    Apr 14, 06:00 AM
    I think everyone is getting a little to excited here. Makes sense to me that it is the iPad 2. Or am i missing something?

    painting with light photographers. Light painting is a facet of
  • Light painting is a facet of

  • Auax
    Apr 19, 01:46 AM
    Does this mean that apple plans to enter the tv market?
    Do people have good experiences with apple tv compared with tv of other brands?

    painting with light photographers. LIFE photographer Gjon Mili
  • LIFE photographer Gjon Mili

  • morty192
    May 2, 09:48 AM
    it will most likely be tomorrow if as has been pointed out tonight is visual night, the online store will update sometime around 1pm UK time I imagine but the store should be down before then.

    Of course if tonight is really visual night and u live close enough to an apple store make sure pop in at 9:30am your time and tell us all if anything has changed :)

    painting with light photographers. Fedora in light painting
  • Fedora in light painting

  • trip1ex
    Apr 13, 02:32 PM
    Eh I don't see it. I think it's a jump the shark move.

    What are they going to do?

    Make an aluminum frame?

    INclude a tiny aluminum remote with few buttons?

    Build the ATV inside?

    Let you calibrate it and configure it from the computer?

    Video conferencing?

    Put nice speakers inside?

    Give it a much higher resolution that doubles as a nice computer monitor?

    I don't see this stuff as having a big market.

    Or maybe they make your tv the computer also? BAsically an iMac. Maybe they release a 42" iMac for $3000.

    Still sounds like jump the shark to me.

    painting with light photographers. light painting photographs
  • light painting photographs

  • 7on
    Jul 25, 08:53 AM
    Yeah no kidding. If it's one thing that NEVER wowed me in the Apple department it's the Mice. Always very expensive and ok at best. Mac keyboards are great however!

    And for those of you who bought the expensive, one-button bluetooth mouse, sorry but...what the hell were you thinking!?

    I bought mine on eBay for $30.

    painting with light photographers. Light painting requires
  • Light painting requires

  • DeathChill
    Apr 23, 01:17 AM
    Well, it looks like we actually agree. I just wanted to make this point clear that Apple cares only about profits (as all companies) which puts iOS users in a position where they have very few options: Apple way or highway. It's different with Android.

    How did I agree with that? It's quite obvious Apple puts an emphasis on pleasing the regular consumer, not spec junkies. Of course Apple cares about profits, I don't know how a company that doesn't can function.

    painting with light photographers. Easy rainbow light painting
  • Easy rainbow light painting

  • G4DP
    Mar 31, 11:19 AM
    The rest of the design is not so bad but I wish Apple would get over the urge to make things look like their physical incarnations. I know there is a name for this but it escapes me at the moment.

    Retarded carp, I think is the phrase.

    The page layout is nice.

    The tacky stuff at the top on the other. I thought Apple wanted to get away from carp for carps sake?

    painting with light photographers. Light painting.
  • Light painting.

  • appleguy123
    Apr 22, 10:05 PM
    I feel like I�m being set up here. :confused:

    Yeah, set up on the gallows.
    When are we going to start? I can't wait to chomp down on some villagers...

    painting with light photographers. with light photography )
  • with light photography )

  • chrmjenkins
    Apr 12, 12:57 PM
    The best indicator will be whether or not there's an April iOS event. If there isn't, that means previous years' schedules don't necessarily hold anymore. If WWDC is filled with iOS 5 and Lion news, it's possible iPhone 5 won't make an appearance.

    However, it's also possible that the new features of iOS 5 are so tied in with iPhone 5 that they don't want to reveal one without the other. For instance, NFC capabilities.

    The existence of an independent iOS event also depends on how necessary Apple deems it. Every year we see new features and a bunch of developers get up and squawk about their software. Is that really even necessary anymore? We know the app store rocks and people are making great apps for it.

    There's no telling how it will shake out, but I'm not putting any stock in news and media outlets who live and die by page hits and people paying attention to them, especially when apple is notorious for seeding false rumors to plug leaks.

    There was a recent announcement by Sony saying their deliveries to Apple for an 8MP camera would be delayed due to conditions in Japan. I've read other articles suggesting other iPhone components may be in short supply.

    The disaster in Japan may have an impact on their release schedule. It might have been tight before, then the earthquake killed it.

    It may be tied up to the iPad 2 as well. Supply is going to be choked for quite some time, and they share a lot of components even given their size differences. If apple prioritizes iPad 2 availability, it may make sense to them to delay iPhone 5 a bit. It's the best worst problem to have. They can sell so many units of whatever they make, they just have to decide which unit it's going to be of.

    Oct 29, 12:40 PM
    for now, we'll see what happens in the long term.

    Apr 28, 08:03 PM
    The UV protection necessary for the white iPhone didn't come out of thin air. The added thickness was likely to provide an additional layer of protection. I'd be curious to see its innards, which is no doubt just around the corner. C'mon iFixit, rip it apart!

    Apr 14, 03:44 PM
    I've just downloaded the update on my iPhone and iPad and i noticed that on the iPad (not iPhone) in the General Setings now there is now a multitouch gestures button to enable this function. It suports 4 fingers up to show the app switcher, 4 fingers to the sides to switch apps and 5 fingers to the centre to go to the home screen.

    It works great!

    I just updated on my Ipad 2, and I don't see this option for multitouch gestures.

    Jun 6, 07:53 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    There are so many hypocrites in this country, probably because nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions. What if it were a gun. If the parent left it on the night stand with a bullet in it, and the kid picked it up and shot & killed someone, would you all be blaming the maker of the gun? No, you'd be going after the parents for failure to supervise their kid which led to actions causing someone's death.

    So why is it different here?

    IT'S NOT.

    May 4, 09:53 AM
    I don't understand one thing. Why can't Apple confirm this themselves? That way people will at least know what they can do. Either you wait or you move onto to another device.

    because if apple is going to say a new iphone is coming, only a fool will buy the old one at full price

    i bet a new is coming in June but apple doesn't want to see a sales drop off. anyone that asks me i tell them that expect a new one in June and don't buy the 4 since it's stone age tech by now


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