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heart images medical. Heart, a piece of medical
  • Heart, a piece of medical

  • Don't panic
    Apr 26, 04:34 PM
    nice narration Intell.
    sorry Plutonius, we'll try to find them vogons for you.

    meanwhile if you get bored you can go back to the last thread and solve the game embedded in my posts there. strangely enough, the solution is related to this game :)

    heart images medical. It#39;s My Heart » Resources
  • It#39;s My Heart » Resources

  • WestonHarvey1
    Apr 12, 10:19 AM
    These really are the worst rumors and don't belong on the front page.

    "iPhone 5 in the works. Will be announced someday." Just put that up as a permalink somewhere.

    heart images medical. System of the Heart
  • System of the Heart

  • Parkin Pig
    Apr 3, 04:37 AM
    Crimple Viaduct, Harrogate

    heart images medical. and heart, medical vector
  • and heart, medical vector

  • Pegamush
    Apr 14, 05:14 PM
    I hope nobody buys any white iphones. The whole thing just annoys me for some reason.

    i've been thinking the same as you, iphones are just needs-we-didn't-need, but with times and curiosity and much advertising, all this became natural and necessary.
    i wish i could get back to a phone that just calls and texts, but sadly i'm too used to have internet/facebook on-the-go, and i just love the qwerty keyboard to text.
    those are the only two things i would miss, so i was thinking to find a cheap used iphone 2g and sell my 3gs:)

    heart images medical. Pictures of Medical and Dental
  • Pictures of Medical and Dental

  • Ruahrc
    Apr 26, 12:18 PM
    Apple is expected to charge customers a fee in order to use its forthcoming cloud-based music storage service

    No *****! :rolleyes: In other news, the sun rose in the east today!

    Seriously, who expected it to be free? The real question is, will it be rolled in for current MM subscribers, or will it be a separate service or tag-on fee?

    heart images medical. Heart Specialists Medical
  • Heart Specialists Medical

  • crackbookpro
    Apr 14, 07:50 AM
    Apple knew they were releasing the White iPhone for months(probably close to a year if not more) now... it's all strategic marketing, sales, & planning. There might have never been a problem within the white plastic that analysts exclaimed... It's all about sales now for Apple, they are so over the professional consumer. You guys think the double-sided glass on the iPhone 4 was from a pure design-point are utterly mistaken by dominance(s) of Apple's new businees model within the last couple years.

    Apple is making products to sell... when... they used to make the best products for the professional consumer. I don't knock them at all... they are doing what any business would do with a cabinet full of board members & shareholders - make money... more money.

    Apple's got us this year... the big iPhone update is waiting on LTE, and even more so AT&T's involvement. It truly may not be till 2012...

    heart images medical. LUNG AND HEART

  • longofest
    Dec 1, 02:53 PM
    I was about to correct your first post (politely) by saying that you can use AFP with AppleTalk disabled.

    Good call... I initially thought you did have to have AppleTalk enabled for AFP to work, and actually have always had AT enabled. I guess I can turn it off now :)

    heart images medical. Human Heart Internal Medical
  • Human Heart Internal Medical

  • Derbus
    Jan 26, 07:20 PM
    These things happen, but this isnt the first time this has happened to Apple either

    heart images medical. Pink Heart Medical Necklace
  • Pink Heart Medical Necklace

  • thisisahughes
    Apr 13, 04:40 AM
    OK, stop it already! Enough with the iPhone 5 / iPad 3 release date rumors, or put it on page 2.

    thank you.

    heart images medical. Heart Care Services at the
  • Heart Care Services at the

  • LarryC
    Apr 25, 07:49 PM
    With thunderbolt you can use an adapter for USB 3.0. That is, once they start putting them on the market.

    That is true. I was just thinking that if the new iMacs are gonna have USB at all, then they should be the fastest version. I'm not sure about this, but is the USB 3.0 plug the same as the USB 2.0 plug? I just think that it would be nice if these new machines would have the newest interfaces available. As far as Firewire is concerned, I have an external hard drive that uses FW 800. I am hoping that the new thunderbolt does not do away with FW all together. I know that the new MBP's actually have both. I hope the new iMac's do too.

    heart images medical. Medical Exams cartoon 6
  • Medical Exams cartoon 6

  • budfoot
    Apr 22, 09:25 AM
    Not sure I understand, I've had 4G on my Evo for over a year now...


    heart images medical. Heart Surgery
  • Heart Surgery

  • Intell
    Apr 25, 10:35 PM
    You need my approval to sell the sandwhich shop which I (in God-form) have given you. Consider it denied.


    heart images medical. Black Heart Medical Necklace
  • Black Heart Medical Necklace

  • Vitruviux
    Apr 14, 09:50 AM
    So if the white iPhone 4 comes out in April/May, could we take it as an indicate that iPhone 5 won't be out in June?

    Why would they release the white phone and then release iPhone 5 in a month after that?

    On the other hand, iPhone 4 and 3GS co-exist, so what would be the problem if there was a cheaper black/white iPhone 4 and black/white iPhone 5 at the same time?

    heart images medical. Height and heart issues
  • Height and heart issues

  • maclaptop
    Apr 28, 03:34 PM
    Anyone else find these stories on market share to be completely boring?!?

    Can MacRumors setup a Page 3 section to put these on and keep the interesting rumors on the first page (new Macs, new iOS, etc)?

    I agree completely. Great Idea!

    heart images medical. Heart - Medical
  • Heart - Medical

  • Intell
    Apr 20, 08:16 PM
    I said that I would play but I don't think Intell wants me since he hasn't added me to the list :P .

    Sorry I've missed a few. Been very busy with a surprise project for school.

    heart images medical. human heart, with Medical
  • human heart, with Medical

  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 4, 12:50 PM
    If it's taking you two minutes to resume a session and two minutes plus to suspend it, on that machine you mentioned the specs of, something is frickin' wrong with that machine.

    2.16 Core 2 Duo 20" iMac here, 2GB, stock 250GB drive, Parallels does the following:

    - it cold starts in 4 seconds
    - it boots my XP VM (512MB of RAM/8GB virtual hard disk) to the Desktop in 9
    - it suspended that same XP VM in 14
    - it restored that same XP VM in 11

    And that's with Crossover for Mac running several Windows apps in the background too, so some of my resources are already drained when I fired up Parallels and the VM. Memory usage at the moment for the entire machine is sitting at 1154MB of 2048MB, 69 tasks, 330 threads as measured by MenuMeters.

    So, give that box a tuneup or whatever, because you're certainly not getting the performance from Parallels that you should be getting. Also, check your VT-x flags under Parallels to make sure it's functioning properly.

    btw, this is Parallels build 1970, the latest and greatest, and I've had nothing but positive usage of Parallels since I bought it off the shelf in an Apple Store along with this iMac a month ago. 3 upgrades so far, no issues at all.


    I've reinstalled OS X twice in the last 9 months. The latest being about 3 weeks ago when I upgraded to a 160GB hard drive. There is nothing wrong with my computer. (OK there is something wrong with its sleeping mech but that has nothing to do with performance.)
    Parallels just sucks. Also I�m willing to bet the more you use the disk image and Windows the more parallels slows down. I�ve got a 14GB disk image, a ton of apps loaded, along with being in it every day for 8+ hours, USB peripherals all over the place, network settings for home and work, firewall enabled along with antivirus software. (I can�t use Office 2003 with SAP in OS X.) I probably use it more extensively then most Mac users. The simple fact is the reason why I keep reinstalling the demo instead of outright buying it is because I�m waiting on VMWare�s solution. VMWare is THE industry�s Microsoft when it comes to virtualizing. Just without the whole evilness thing. I�ve used Parallels extensively. I�m not impressed.

    heart images medical. A Very Special Heart – Medical
  • A Very Special Heart – Medical

  • morespce54
    Jul 26, 10:39 AM
    ...all the rumors are getting a bit much, next thing the ipod will be a all purpose video edeting aplience called the... macbook! :p

    when I first bought my iBook, I used to call it "my big iPod" :D :D

    heart images medical. heart heart medical
  • heart heart medical

  • daveschroeder
    Oct 23, 08:04 AM
    just to clear up the confusion, is this a legal or technical restriction? Can you still do this with the basic edition technically, but illegally. Or are there technical restrictions being applied?

    It's neither, as I've already explained.

    But to answer your question, even if there were a legal restriction, there is definitely not any technical restriction that would prevent it from being installed in a VM anywhere.

    heart images medical. Purple Heart Medical Necklace
  • Purple Heart Medical Necklace

  • aaronfzr
    Oct 24, 08:33 AM
    Just called up the apple store on regent st - they didnt put me down on a waiting list or anything, but said they're getting them in the next couple of days (not weeks, huzzah!).

    I'm stoked - with 2gb as standard, its already saved me the �200 I was gonna spend on the RAM upgrade!!! Including firewire800 and the small speedbump, oh yeah DL burning....I'm quite impressed! The only thing I could have hoped for (aside from cosmetics like maglatch) was a graphics card upg, but that didnt seem likely anyhow.

    Apr 23, 07:21 PM
    Finally, is all I have to say. People have been unlocking and jaibreaking their iphones ever since 2007 to be on tmobile. Apple is finally catching up with the rest of society. It's absolutely ridiculous it has taken this long for tmobile to have the iphone in the usa.

    Oct 26, 09:58 PM
    I want world peace and everybody in the world be safe, fed and loved.

    I'm only kidding. I want my well-deserved anal.

    Aug 15, 10:09 AM
    "Warning for losing Form data"

    They've got my money :D (And Firefox-style Find!)

    And I really have to believe that the old metal look will be gone in the end, replaced by the new iTunes look.

    Current theme count for the record:

    * White aqua (with three different toolbar styles: old, unified/no-line, and little-icons-on-gray-pills like Mail)

    * Textured metal

    * Smooth metal (iTunes)

    * Dashboard (non-aqua sliders)

    * Black bezel (like the floating controls in iPhoto)

    * Pro aqua (gray with thinner title bars--Final Cut etc.)

    * EDIT: new "quick look (http://guides.macrumors.com/Image:leopardquicklook.png)" theme?

    All of those are used by multiple apps. There are also special variations like GarageBand, but those are fun and not objectionable to me.

    EDIT: Actually, none of the above are objectionable to me--they have their uses--just so we get down to ONE metal look instead of two :) And my vote for best toolbar is the big icons (not gray pills), but in the unified/no-line format. Just like Tiger's System Preferences. (Not like Mail, not like Safari Preferences.) But it looks like the gray pill thing is spreading in Leopard. I can deal... just make it more consistent.

    Don't get me started on all the different kinds of non-icon toolbar buttons that appear in metal apps :) Some look like glass, some like metal, etc.....

    Dec 30, 12:58 PM
    what a complete imbecile. As someone who tries to eat healthy, exercises, avoids excessive partying etc and still struggles to lose weight I am sickened by this ***holes actions :mad:

    I'm sorry, if you struggle to lose weight, you're not doing it right. Losing weight is dead easy. Keeping it off is dead easy too. Have your doctor check for any health problems which might prevent you from losing weight or recheck your food intake vs energy expenditure.

    Losing weight is a very simple formula : Calories in < Calories out. Change the symbol around and you gain weight. Make it = and you keep your weight.

    A lot of people don't understand this very simple mecanic which is the very basis of weight control. When you have this part down to a science, you can adjust the food intake to provide fibers/vitamins/proteins that you need.

    Jan 30, 06:03 AM
    Good time to buy. $$ :D

    I bought some Apple stock a few days ago. :D


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