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  • Agaetis Byrjun
    Feb 21, 05:30 PM
    It's finally all finished. Put the Craftsman tool chest in this weekend. It mostly hold cable and repair tools for guitars.

    The white box on the front right leg of the desk is actually a Belkin remote. I've wired the desk so that when I hit that switch the 3 displays, audio monitors and all USB controllers will turn on.

    I hate wires showing so I went to great lengths to hide them.

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  • Lollypop
    Jul 20, 07:47 AM
    What makes you think that you have to do that?

    have you ever used Linux? Application-installation in any modern Linux-distro is VERY smooth. If I want to install an app in Ubuntu (the previous distro I used), how do I do that? Well, I load a package-manager, which gives me a list of apps. I select the app I want to install, and click "Install". And that's it. How much simpler could it be? Why does everyone think that loading a web-browser, searching the app with Google, browsing to the website, downloading the installer (assuming that the apps is free. Usually with Mac, it's not) and running the installer is somehow "easier" that launching an app, selecting the app to be installed from a list and clicking "install"? Seriously?

    What do you mean by "unified front"? The GUI? Most distros use either KDE or GNOME (usually alloweing the user to choose which one he prefers), so they are in fact quite unified.

    I have used Linux before, admit that I gave up with linux with Suse 9. The point I was trying to make with the package manager is that its not easy to go out and find something, every time you either have to find a package for your specific distribution or have it "built" for your distro. If you look at the way the mac works now I can drag the aduim icon to a remote drive, and from almost any machine that meets the basic specs I can then double click that app, even if its on a network drive, it will run, can you say the same for Linux?

    By unification I meant giving a constant user experience with singal points of administration, management ect. Some of my previous sessions with linux the applications did not always fully adhere to guidelines that were set out by KDE, whatever theme i choose, it didnt adapt to it for example. I fully admit im not a linux guru, and that things very likely have changed, but my perception is that every distro comes with a boat load of software on the DVD or via download, if you want to get something thats not listed it becomes a bit more difficult. There is the issue of building your own kernel and then software for it but other than bulding the kernel i have no knowlede of any related issues.

    The mac advantage is that its a bit easier to get, install and run applications than windows, and IMO linux as well. Thats a advantage apple should leverage and try and sell more if they are going to sell more machines and increase the market share of the entire platform.

    I agree with kalisphoenix to an extent when he says that the linux people dont want a single unified distro, the linux crowd doesnt want a true singular unfied platform, why is there a few big distros out there after years of linux development, why are there so many niche ones, and why do linux users argue with others over their favorite distro? Diversity and flexability is one of the strenghts of Linux, its users know that, and having a single distro that does everything will counter that strength, they also know that.

    Im not taking on linux, to the contrary I believe linux has a critical place, I personally believe that its diversity/flexibility is one of the reasons it hasnt concored the desktop market, (peolpe want the plain and simple windows thing, to much options makes it overly complex), diversity/flexibility is the same reason linux has concored the server market.

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  • amacgenius
    Jan 1, 05:15 PM
    The only two I'm betting on are iLife '07 and iTV, because those seem most feasible at this point.

    A new Mac Pro and another more in depth Leopard preview would be nice, but I don't think that's in the Pipeline (kudos to those who get the joke).

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  • toddybody
    Apr 19, 02:40 PM
    They will either skip it altogether or perhaps replace all USB 2 ports with USB 3 ones (thus keeping TB as the "advanced" FW equivalent)...

    The logical thing would to mirror the recent MBP refresh. I really dont think they would include USB 3.0 ports until Ivy Bridge.

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  • SactoGuy18
    Feb 23, 06:02 PM
    Wonder if this will be the case in this? Chevy in Europe is a very cheap and nasty brand of car, much like Kia (they are re-branded Daewoo's).

    Hold it right there! The Kia models sold in Europe actually nowadays borrow from the current Hyundai Motor Company parts bin, and as such are way more civilized cars. Anyone who's driven the Kia Cee'd hatchback in Europe know it's a way better car than people think.

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  • kelving525
    Sep 14, 08:58 PM
    @kelving525 - Which BB did you get the Belkin from? I'm about to cave and get the light blue one. Also, it really looks like a dark blue in your pics, is it really purple?

    NYC-- there are 6 of them I went to and each sells different cases. Some more than others. Yes, it is dark purple. ;)

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  • ericmooreart
    Nov 28, 03:13 PM
    Friend of mine at work bought the Zune. First thing that hit me was the "poop" brown color - uck. It had a rubbery feel (guess it won't slip from your hands) like the protectors you can get for the ipod. Was hard to get in and out of my back pocket due to the coating and brick thickness.

    I like that it played your videos landscape, though navagation became tricky.

    For all its bells and whistles I wouldn't buy it. Design matters. If it didn't i'd still be using my anti skip cd- mp3 player. I own a nano and have had every generation ipod except the first and the zune seems like the 1st generation ipod in respect to design and clunkiness. Microsoft should stick with the xbox

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  • prodigee
    Feb 27, 10:00 PM
    lol, I just realized how stupid my previous comment sounded :o

    Haha its all good. We all say silly things sometimes. ;)

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  • Xpress
    Apr 2, 11:42 PM
    My backlight bleeds

    Mine did too. Returned it to Apple, got a new one in 10 days. No bleeding.:D

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  • faroZ06
    Apr 3, 01:25 AM
    Has piano music like the oooold Mac ads. I guess they're addressing the complaints about how the Xoom (which is a piece of junk) has more RAM. Who cares? :cool:

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  • 0815
    Apr 19, 11:43 AM
    Just in time - I just decided yesterday that it is time to replace my first generation Intel iMac. I hope they have a 500GB SSD option for the update (the current option of 256 GB SSD is too small and you cant even order them with two 256GB SSDs). Thunderbold would also be nice (no need for it right away, but I guess in a year or two I will be happy to have one)

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  • B. Hunter
    Apr 12, 10:51 PM

    I wonder if the next FCE will cost $99.00 now.
    is FCP X the new FCE?

    Jeeebers! FCP X is the Glee version of video editing.
    Yep times are changing.

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  • dr Dunkel
    Mar 24, 04:32 PM
    I'll likely build a Hackintosh so as to prevent this problem in the future. That is unless Apple finally sells computers that can be repaired for less then the price of a new computer.

    Why make such a computer when money so easily can be made selling you a new one... generally speaking, that is :D

    But I agree, :apple: really should build a computer for the consumers that actually knows something about computers and are interested in the area. But I guess that would be bad business, as it would be impossible to sell parts att 200% of the normal price if that box could be opened by the user.

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  • Musubi
    Feb 27, 03:20 PM
    The sucky part about the 22" LCD was that it had a really high defect rate.

    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh!

    Yeesh... don't remind me. The inverter board in mine started doing the blink on blink off starting around late 2003. It was really intermittent at first and happened maybe once a month. Then in the thing really went crazy and was off more than it was on. Back then, the company that sold parts rarely had the board for the 22" model (the inverter board went bad in my 17" Studio Display in 2003 and they had tons of those in stock) and I really needed a monitor so I just ended up buying the 20" Cinema Display (Aluminum). I bought the 22" along with my G4 Cube back in July 2000; the Cube was $1800 and the display around $2200... ouch!!!

    Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    The amount of money I've spent on Apple products since I first started buying them in 1992-1993 (previously, had been a CP/M, DOS, OS/2 and unix gearhead) is hitting close to six figures now. :eek: If all that had been invested..... But back in 97, I did purchase several thousand bucks worth of AAPL when it was around $16 per share (pre split price basis) and accumulated a bunch between 1998-2000. Sold a quarter of my holdings after the internet bubble burst and let the rest ride even through the market doldrums that existed between 2001-2003 (didn't even considering dumping them back in 2003 when the stock had lost almost 80% of its value from its 2000 high as that for sure would have been locking in those paper losses). Those are now my core shares sitting in a Roth-IRA for retirement. Bought more between 2007 to mid-2010 (iPhone and iPad spurred those new positions) and seeing nice returns on that.

    Just to bring this back on topic, the following pic was back in 2006 when I had just gotten the Mac Pro and I connected my QS G4 to the 22" ACD. It miraculously worked without having the case of the blinkies (that lasted for nearly two weeks before it went crazy again).

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  • piecewise
    Nov 29, 01:48 PM
    This is completely useless. An analyst thinks the iTV will have an additional feature? Fantastic. Like what, specifically?

    You know, I suspect the next version of the iPod will also feature something different or new. Just a hunch, though. Nothing solid to back that up yet.

    Safe bet.

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  • chillywilly
    Sep 6, 01:30 PM
    As a current G4 mini owner, I like that they decided to get rid of the Core Solo. It didn't seem much of a bump from the G4 1.42 model.

    As for prices, the high end mini with upgraded options seems very pricey. It's almost cheaper to go with the iMac.

    I wouldn't mind getting a new mini, but don't really have the need for one now. Maybe if I give mine to my daughter eventually, that may be an option down the road.

    But as with others, it would have been nice to see a price drop.

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  • Blasphemic
    Jan 6, 07:32 AM
    Still the same car but got some new pictures: Opel Corsa 1.4 Swing from 1997, worth about nothing but it means alot to me :)
    First 2 are outside the building where i live, and yes i know she could really need a wash but that wont be done untill they have time to do it at work (i work at a Car rental company)
    The inside could really use a good cleaning aswell
    And she has quite a few Km on the clock.

    And here is what i drive when im at work (i dont clean the cars, im the guy standing behind the counter saying sir to people)
    First one is a Porsche Cayenne
    Jaguar XF (i didnt take this picture)
    And theres all the Audis and Mercs =)

    i posted the links aswell since i cant get it to post the actual pictures :(
    why dont picasa/flick let me link to the the picture >_<

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  • herenow
    Aug 20, 06:29 AM
    im conisdering buying a 4gb nano tomorrow - however, i hear there could be an update coming soon: does anybody know when?

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  • fr4c
    Nov 23, 11:22 PM
    Psht. I can get that up here for free.
    No need to rub it in.

    Sent from the neighbors down south.


    Aug 31, 07:51 AM
    ...why do you want the wireless? I have seen one (maybe two) ideas that caught my eye; but not enough too change my opinion on the negative cost/benefit impact including wireless as envisioned by many here would have on my beloved device.

    Blue sky on wireless? Think a device which works out presence of others, and can connect safely.

    Imagine being able to *share* (not stream, but share) your tunes with others on a "I'm interested in your... can I share/get that from you).

    Being on the tube/commuting for ~ 1 1/2 hours a day or so and seeing >6 ipods through glancing for white buds alone, the possiblities are huge.

    What are net connections used mostly for (in terms of Mb up/down) It's P2P. There wouldn't be any roaming charges, any peak rates. You could do it in a lecture room, whilst you were studying, or having coffee with friends (sharing tunes, rather than listening )

    Think one big interacting social darknet :D Think virality without PC's needed.
    Someone has a cool tune, and it could replicate exponentially!

    For more benefits: Linking up to USB wireless receiver chips - you can wireless move files to/from PC.

    Hands free driving - using changeable function paddles/butons on the steeering wheel. Hell - You could have a HUD of iTunes on a car soon (or at the very least, hook it up to those screens in the back of those orrible 4x4s )

    In terms of illegal possibilities, think discogs. The amount of music you'll bump into increases a lot, so the rarer stuff might be out there. You could strike up a friendship with someone who had say, the entire back catalogue of (insert your fave band/movie/TV series). People could be walking lossless discographies of current artists. A discog of an artist is at most probably under 10Gig, so for a >60Gig player...

    Who needs radio when you can stream? You could get it to actively hunt for a MP3 id tag genre - rock/pop, or highly rated artists. You could have the function to hunt for certain artists/songs...

    That's another reason why I want wireless.

    BJB Productions
    Apr 12, 09:49 PM
    Not judging from the crowd's reaction :eek:

    There's no video, but from the audio, these pros sound like kids in a candy store.

    I know! I had to stop listening because I want to SEE it.

    Mar 19, 09:34 AM

    You know I am almost always critical of US military action, but in this case...

    It might need to be taken.

    We do have an obligation to stop atrocities if we are aware of them.

    That said, this needs to be an international action, not like the "coalition of the willing" that went into Iraq. In fact, id prefer it if the US was NOT the main force by any stretch. We should give plenty of support, but we should be careful to not give the impression that we are taking the primary role in another conflict.

    phht...I'm pretty sure the reason why there is "international action" this time is because it's not only easy to justify, but it has been clearly demonstrated that the US "going in" will result in victory. And this is a tiny weak nation too. At least Iraq was able to off a decent amount of "coalition forces" even though it's still a pin prick. And since Lybia has a lot of oil, "other nations" will be really easy to be persuaded to "save lives of rebels" or whatever. Heck, even the "French" are throwing on the gloves. Which I'm sure many ppl feel we should just shoot them out of the air ourselves. :p I mean, the Frence aren't going to miss out on this one, especially since it's like a given victory with "air support".

    I mean, this "cease fire" that's going on. Why is there no ceasfire? Because the West doesn't want it. It's already in motion. Whether it be jamming communications or "rebels staging attacks on themselves for show", it's clear that we've made the decision to go for blood...civilians or not in harms put the regime WE want, into power. They aren't "peaceful"...they look just like those in that picture above in the truck. They struck a deal. Oil for help. And the Frence sadly are apparently in on it too.

    Feb 25, 11:43 PM
    I do believe I saw him holding his sign... ;)

    Jul 20, 01:42 AM
    You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day. It is not coming anytime soon sorry to say. Buying is about momentum. Apple has it and MS does not. Vista already has a great deal of bad press and it has not even hit the street. eWeek and other journals are already writing about Vista security vulnerabilities. That is not a good sign. Vista features and functionality has been scaled back numerous times. That too is not a good sign.

    Vista will sell more copies in its first two weeks than Leopard in its first year. As several hundred thousand years of humanity have demonstrated, rhyme and reason matters little.

    Who would have imagined that the common view. amongst the informed computer community, was MS was trying desperately to draw close to even-up with Apple? About the time MS established Windows 2000, they were at the top of the computer world in just about every SW market there was.

    ....and they still are. The anti-Apple and anti-Linux advertising games are defense, not offense.

    They finally had a very stable desktop, server platform, mail server, yellow pages, browser, office suite, SQL engine, and so on. But once they reached this pinnacle, two things happened (or at least two I want to talk about). One, they became way too greedy with their predatory licensing. It just went through the roof. If you have never purchased SW at the enterprise level, you do not understand how expensive this has become. SW can cost (at least) as much HW at the enterprise level.

    No doubt, but I don't see businesses exactly fleeing in droves.

    The second thing that happened at MS is best described in a quote "When Alexander looked at his empire, he wept for there was nothing more to conquer." Instead of continuing on the path of R&D, they tried to find "new worlds to conquer", secure in the knowledge they had indeed subdued all competitors who could challenge them. Sun had tried to mount a charge in the early-mid 90's. Fortunately for MS, Sun's CEO lacked the wherewithal to do more than file lawsuits. Linux suffers from the exact problems that have plagued the Unix community; they cannot unify because they have no leadership.

    Sun's ailments are a lot more complicated than that, as are SGI's. Most of their problem is that their workstation prices make Apple's seem like bargain-bin deals.

    Gah. The Linux community doesn't want to unify. In fact, not unifying is the core of their philosophy. The vast majority of Linux users (ie, non-n00bs) don't really give a crap about mass adoption of Linux. Many even view such a possibility with horror and disgust. The only priority is choice. It's why there are 415 distributions (none of which are compatible with each other), 9,843 window managers (none of which have remotely similar configuration options), and 3.43x10^15 terminal emulators (none of which actually emulate terminals any better or worse than any other one).

    Waving the "king of the OS hill" prize in front of a bunch of Linux users/developers will only result in them staring at you like a dog that's been shown a card trick. With very few exceptions, only n00bs (and uncomprehending businessmen who think they can somehow profit) want mass adoption of Linux.


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