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  • bella92108
    Apr 5, 02:54 PM
    Please recheck your math and research on how many carriers the iPhone is available WORLDWIDE - you know, the world is bigger than just the US - and all those carriers worldwide are not allowed to put any crap on it or modify it in a way that makes maintaining updates too expensive. Every iPhone User worldwide can update the same day.

    I travel internationally weekly, and EVERY international iPhone carrier is bound by their arms and legs just like AT&T. It's Apple's way or no way. Want to advertise iPhone? MUST be Apple's advertisements. Want to offer iPhone? Must include visual voicemail as Apple wants it. Want to sell iPhone? Must be at Apple's prices with apple's terms.

    Want to break the contract with Apple? Must turn over your first born child. It's the same story in every country. I am very well traveled, and I'm very familiar with iPhone in other countries. I bought both mine in the UK, FYI

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  • wovel
    Apr 6, 06:07 PM
    So...10 pages+ of comments around 100,000 unit claim

    Official comments from the droid developers around 0.2% share of OS

    So 50,000,000 android OS based devices

    Gartner shows 67million android based smartphones sold last year alone....

    which butthole did htey pull their 100k figure from?

    They like have some proprietary internal figures they use to analyze what percentage of iPad / Xoom users they would actually see.

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  • milozauckerman
    Aug 7, 10:00 PM
    I don't see a heatsink on that Crucial RAM.

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 16, 11:37 AM
    Sounds like a good reason to avoid it.

    Why focus your perspective on gaining wealth?

    Aren't there more important things than that in our brief lives?

    I guess it's the same reason creationists prefer to study their own creation science rather than anything that challenges their already held beliefs.

    It's just my own personal point of view, but I don't think it's good to avoid learning something new because it might change your opinion about it.

    Now I don't mean to be cruel, but he isn't making anything, creating anything or contributing anything to society through this livelihood. He's merely siphoning off the flow. And he wants to talk about perspective? It seems to me that making a living that way is guaranteed to give you a warped perspective.

    It's a perspective I'm glad I don't share.

    I doubt you can even explain what it is I'm doing. Can you explain how I'm not creating anything? Or contributing anything? Or what flow I'm siphoning off? You're making conclusions off complete ignorance.

    I didn't miss it, you did. here, I'll bold it, underline it and put it in red so it's easier for you to catch ...

    Then I'll refer to the definition so you might know what that word means ...

    pri�ma�ri�ly (   –adverb

    1. essentially; mostly; chiefly; principally

    Then I'll give you an example that demonstrates a different perspective on wealth ...

    I am a graphic designer. My primary focus is on creating print and web solutions for my clients. While I do get paid, money is neither the source of my production and creativity, nor the material with which I work. It is a by-product of my labors, not the sole focus of them.

    Thus I have a different perspective on money and wealth than itcheroni.

    I hope that clarifies that for you.

    If you take a single word out of a context, it's going to be...out of context. In that sense, I was using primarily, in the sense that my primary strategy is using time rather than up or down movements.

    I understand the prejudice people have against financial people, because I used to have them too. I face a lot of ignorance in a lot of other activities I enjoy too. I make money off what I do, just like you do in your field. But what I do is understand economics and the mechanism of options. If I didn't understand economics, I would lose money. That's not something I would primarily want to do.

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  • digitalbiker
    Aug 4, 01:44 PM
    I think we will probably get an announcement about new designed MacBookPros at WWDC along with MacPro Desktops.

    Rumor had it back in January that Apple wanted Intel to pre-release Merom chips to Apple for the MacBook Pro. Instead Apple was forced to rush to market a quick update to the PowerBook line using the Yonah processor.

    My guess now is that Apple is going to finally get to roll out the new redsigned MacBook Pro for Merom. I bet that Apple gets away from the out-dated Aluminium/Titanium look and goes to the the smooth polished black, white, and silver look similar to the MacBook. I also bet it gets the updated keyboard, glossy display, etc like the MacBook.

    My wife has the new MacBook and it is a really sweet machine to own. I think it is much better designed and easier to use than my PB G4 1.67 Mhz.

    The easier HD, Battery/ memory access is well thought out. The screen is brilliant. The keyboard is much better than I expected. In addition the latchless closure works like a gem and is much more convenient than that crappy button latch on the MBPro. Also the metal look is getting ugly and outdated. It scratches easy, shows finger prints, and dust more. It is also not as forgiving of a short drop. Metal bends & breaks. Plastic absorbs and flexes.

    Apple is ready to re-invent the MacBookPro and probably would have done it sooner except the chips weren't available.

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  • teme
    Aug 7, 02:30 PM
    Excellent. Now it's time to wait for the sub-$2000 "Pro" desktop announcement. There's a suspicious gap in their lineup. Mac Pro Cube (, perhaps?

    I'll wait for that until Paris, and if it isn't available then, I'll buy a PC.

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  • puma1552
    Apr 20, 12:59 AM
    Considering I'm on a lowly, pathetic, dinosaur 3G that can't even run itself without severe, severe lag and a shattered screen, and will be coming home to the US in mid-September after being stuck with this pile for yet another 5 months, I will DEFINITELY be getting one.

    A white one, on Verizon no less. Hallelujah.

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  • smulji
    Mar 30, 10:53 PM
    WOW. In my years of OS X development and beta releases, this is the first time I believe Apple has released a developer preview with little to no beta releases, and pushed right into a half arsed possible GM build without the numerous beta's for 10.X refinements. For developers and companies who have been accustomed to Apple pushing bi-weekly beta's as the GM release approaches. This may not bold well for developers and companies transitioning their products/applications in time and with little "bumps" in the road.

    This also makes me believe Apple has certainly, finally, officially drawn a line with regard to their main focus: iOS. It truly is about mobile devices for Cupertino, with iPhones and iPads and numerous iOS beta releases that have pushed OS X off center stage since Leopard. Gone are the excellent days of a dedicated LCD display line with three size variants, gone are the days when desktop PowerPC towers were affordable, and soon the professionals who spent thousands of dollars and hours investing in Mac products for their work will be pushed out the door for the general mass consumer. This is a sad sign for us, for those that supported a struggling yet profitable Apple dedicated to professionals, consumers, quality products and improved operating systems.

    That could be what Steve Jobs was alluding to when during the iPad 1 release in 2010 he said that Apple was the world's largest mobile devices company. Then later that same year during one of the financial conference calls Tim Cooke said people should refer to Apple as a mobile company. Just a theory.

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  • zoran
    Aug 2, 04:01 PM

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  • p0intblank
    Sep 11, 08:21 AM
    Wow, a lot of people are expecting a true iPod video. I really don't see this happening so soon. I expect the following:

    iTunes Movie Store (this is a given)
    iPod nanos
    6G iPods (simply larger capacity and maybe a new feature or two)

    I would love to see the true iPod video be announced tomorrow. It'd be great to go alongside the new Movie Store. The rumors have been pretty light lately, though, so I am not expecting that much.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 02:49 PM
    I can say CONFIDENTLY that the war is NOT over. It's been what 2 years? No way. Apple may have the upper hand in the battle but has NOT won the war.

    I agree, things have just begun... the iPad just came out about 12 months ago.


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  • toddybody
    Mar 28, 10:31 AM
    im the opposite, this would be devastating to me as my contract runs out June this year......

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  • Ibjr
    May 9, 03:16 PM
    I'd be so pissed/happy if it were to become free... 1 year of .Mac and 2 years of MobileMe.

    Pissed, I spent $99 for 3 years

    Happy, more people will have access to MobileMe's benefits.

    I do not understand this flawed logic. Making it free does not impact the service's values for the last three years. If you did not think it was worth the price you paid, you should not have renewed it.

    I say this has someone who has paid for dotmac/mobileme since it stopped being iTools. Unlike you, my average yearly cost was 30 dollars because I bought them off of eBay.

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  • Kilamite
    May 4, 02:44 PM
    How would one do a "complete fresh reinstall" by this method? Or will we be able to burn to a disc/USB key?

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  • Popeye206
    Apr 5, 04:34 PM
    Android is still open... They are just going to be much more tighter on what Products qualify to get the google Logo and the android name.

    I predict it's going to go much tighter than that. I keep seeing too many articles about security risks and issues with Android.... it's going to bite them hard and they will need to tighten the ship significantly or loose control.

    Open source is a great concept, but in a commercial world, someone needs to step in a set the rules and walls or it just becomes it's own monster and a total mess.

    Within the year, we'll see major changes in the Android camp.

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  • 123orion
    Sep 15, 05:21 PM
    This ( an a good read on why we may see a MacBook Pro revision very soon.

    Makes sense to me

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  • Erasmus
    Aug 4, 07:35 AM
    I do not believe that Apple should wait to announce their new 64 bit systems. They should (and could) give promos of complete overhauls of their entire Mac lineup. (Final propaganda for iMac Ultra)

    I think that Apple should concentrate on getting lots of switchers. Apple probably care about us old "maccies", because, of course, it is very rare for a mac user to change to using the Operating System That Must Not Be Named.

    I therefore think Apple promoing iMacs, Macbooks, MBPs, MPs, MMs, etc. would be in their best interest, as potential switchers would know that Apple intends to bring out cool machines as soon as they can, if not immediately. Sure, it would impact on initial sales, as no-one would buy any of their computers between then and the shipping date, however, Apple would catch many fence-sitters who would otherwise bite the bullet and buy a much cheaper (and much more pathetic) PC after Steve's Keynote.

    Wining Switchers should be Apple's goal now.

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  • mcmlxix
    Mar 29, 05:13 PM
    No, "best wishes" for our Japanese friends.

    "Prayers" to the flying spaghetti monster are a waste of time - put the people of Japan into your thoughts, don't involve some ficticious deity.

    Why couldn�t you let it slide? Assuming you don�t like people �imposing� their beliefs on you, why would you impose yours on others? I think there�s a word for that.

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  • n-abounds
    Sep 11, 12:16 AM
    Yikes. It'd take me 1.13 hours. Maybe you can get a friend to call you and start reading off ones and zeros?

    LOL, that might just make it into my sig one of these days.

    Clearly, new "iPod socks" will be released on Tueday. Aren't we overdue?

    Agreed on the grammar should be "has".

    Personallly, I would love a tower. Mainly because I want a separate monitor...and a 20" iMac won't fit on my desk, but a 20" Apple display will. I'm buying some computer on Tuesday- so I'm excited either way. Thank god for a $3800 credit limit. I would love a machine that could record from my tv, although that would conflict with iTunes selling tv shows.

    Apr 20, 08:40 AM
    Three initials: NFC

    Come on, Apple, reinvent the market yet again! :cool:

    Apr 26, 02:45 PM
    Apple needs to respond. I would prefer them to do it with an iOS overhaul and some diversification of their product line. Apple won't sacrifice margins significantly, so to expand market share they should appeal to more people and step up advertising on the cheaper previous-gen models.

    Apple will still rule the tablet space though.

    Nov 27, 08:37 AM
    I just really haven't seen a compelling reason to spend the money for a tablet PC/Mac.

    "You can write on it! And Take Notes!" Yeah...and? I can also spend 50 cents on a notebook and write on that too! Besides, I can type faster than I can write.

    "Home automation!" Maybe, if I made over $300,000 a year and could afford the smugness of turning my lights on and off with a computer as opposed to a light switch.

    I feel that a tablet to most people is just a giant PDA, and I really don't see myself using it for any other reason than that. I know there are business reasons to have tablets, like for nurses, or production people, etc., but for the average person, what's the revolution? Too much money for too little IMO.

    An Apple PDA with a mobile OSX? Now we're talkin'.

    Jul 22, 12:29 AM
    The iBooks got a big case revision when they moved into the Intel MacBook world, the MacBook-Pros-that-look-like-PowerBooks should, too.

    Just so long as they don't make the glossy screen standard on the MBP, like they did on the MB. I can't stand that glare ridden, reflective surface finish!

    May 4, 03:19 PM
    From the article:
    "Apple is said to presumably be planning to also release Mac OS X Lion on physical media to support users who are running older Mac OS X versions incompatible with the Mac App Store or who have slow Internet connections that would make downloading the large update unwieldy."

    From the source article:
    "While the Mac App Store will be the preferred method for installing Mac OS X 10.7 Lion, set for release this summer, it's logical to presume that Apple will also offer an optical disc for people who may not have broadband. At least person with knowledge of the situation claims that this will indeed be the case "for those with slower connections, or [for those who for whatever reason do] not want to download it.""

    Furthermore, what if the app store download is just a dmg that allows you to burn it to a disk or copy it to a thumb drive? Wouldn't that alleviate your concerns too? Way too early to be getting bent out of shape over this.

    So we all have to "wait in line" at the Apple Store for Lion upgrades?

    Do we have to try to get there before the eBay Scalpers? :eek:


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