selena gomez and demi lovato and miley cyrus and taylor swift

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  • ravenvii
    May 3, 10:05 PM
    Read your OP. I'm on an iPhone right now.

    Frak it. I have skilz:

    Yeah, what's wrong with it?

    Hero has 2 HP and 1 AP.

    And the monster has 1 HP and 1 AP.

    And they fight. Monster inflicts 1 point of damage to the hero because it has 1 AP. The hero's HP goes down to 1 HP, right?

    And the hero inflicts 1 damage because he only has 1 AP. But the monster only has 1 HP. Result? Dead monster.

    If your issue is that this scenario is technically impossible (since in the game it's impossible to have more HP than AP), you're right. But it's only an illustration to how the battle system works.

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  • Matt-M
    Apr 25, 09:27 AM
    Android is funded by target advertising? I didnt know that, can you provide a link that backs this up?


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  • err404
    Apr 5, 04:06 PM
    The problem is that people want to think of an iPhone as a PC. They apply PC analogies and logic. However the reality is that the cell industry has more in common with appliances or consoles. It's traditionally a heavily curated environment.

    Apple: Start with a "restricted" system and open it up to allow for PC like advantages. (The App Store is an example of this)

    Google: Start with an "open" system and lock it down to meet carrier needs and leverage the advantages of curation. (The Google Market place is an example of this)

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  • Unspeaked
    Aug 11, 11:11 AM
    Everyone waiting on the Core 2 Duo MacBook needs to get a clue.

    It's the same folks who were falling over waiting to WWDC to come so they could order their Core 2 Duo MacBooks after the keynote!

    Apple IS NOT going to move the MacBook to a Core 2 Duo until they've updated:

    1) MacBook Pro

    2) iMac

    3) Maybe even Mac Mini, since it's been out forever!

    The MacBook is barely three months old. It may get a speed bump and/or price cut soon, but won't get a new chip.

    All of you saying Apple has to upgrade it to a Core 2 Duo to complete with Dell, HP, etc - why? Why do they HAVE to? Will they explode if they don't? Will the sun stop shining? Will all the world's puppies die?

    Of course they'll upgrade it eventually. That doesn't mean it needs to be upgraded as soon as the chips are available. If you look at other PC maker's sites, most of their machines don't even have the Core Duo chips yet; there's no rush.

    You can't claim Apple will inevitable act a certain way now that they're on Intel chips; you don't know that. They have no history of using Intel chips. Just because your bright minds think it would be a good idea to move the MB line to the latest and greatest chip whenever a new one is released by Intel because "that's what the other guys are doing," it doesn't mean Apple agrees with you.

    What we DO know for a fact is Apple like to differentiate between consumer and pro lines, and Apple has never been one to put the latest chips into the iMac or Mac Mini level machines - and I don't see either of that changing.

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  • Gregintosh
    Mar 28, 10:58 AM
    I am a current VZW Blackberry Tour customer. I'm currently eligible to upgrade to iPhone 4 (Verizon has gone well out of its way to make me aware of this). My patience has truly been tested, as I've been assuming all along that iPhone 5 would be coming out in June.

    So what the hell do I do now? I'm not waiting until 2012.

    Easy, get the iPhone 4 now.

    It's not Apple's fault that you assumed there would be a new product. If you like the iPhone then just get it now. By the time 2012 rolls around you will be eligible for another upgrade and you can get the newest one then too if you must have it.

    Your patience has been tested? Just GET THE PHONE NOW! No one is stopping you. Apple has never told you that they are going to release a new phone in June for Verizon. Your patience is being tested... by yourself!

    I am also looking forward to iPhone 5 because I want one that is compatible with T-Mobile's frequencies. However, I am perfectly happy with my 3GS until that happens, even if I have to wait a little bit.

    Actually, I see that as an upside to a degree, because assuming my 3GS holds out (and short of dropping it on accident I have no reason to believe that it won't) that gives me a bit of extra time to save some money and maybe buy the iPhone 5 contract-free and unlocked (maybe from Canada...) so I can just use it right away on T-Mobile.

    And if T-Mobile officially gets it (who knows with the new developments in AT&T and T-Mobile merging) and I can buy it subsidized I will then just have an extra $400-$500 saved up that I can put toward another Apple product down the road...

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  • puuukeey
    Jul 30, 12:28 PM
    If apple can make it so that cellphones don't suck the user into a void where s/he unaware that they are pissing the living ***** out of everyone around them, well then they are TRUE gods

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  • hayesk
    Apr 5, 03:46 PM
    Didn't you understand "I'm not paying $99 to be able to use my own applications on my own device, on a yearly basis"? :-) EDIT: OK maybe this a bit harsh.. so... i'll expand:

    Sure you can offically freely develop iPhone applications, but only targeted towards the Simulator - not a device. You need to pay $99 to put the applications on a real device.

    Sure - if I wanted to develop applications for the iOS AppStore I'd have no problems with paying Apple $99.

    Years ago, you had to pay for developer tools for any platform. Nobody jumped up and down complaining it should be free. So now the fee has moved from the tools to the developer program. $99 is the cost to develop apps for the iPhone. Deal with it.

    And given every jailbreak is exploiting a security whole, what will happen when Apple plugs them all? What will you do then? It's not like you can claim Apple shouldn't plug security holes.

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  • 3goldens
    Apr 20, 09:03 AM
    "three people familiar with the matter"

    Please! GIve us a break!

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  • stockscalper
    Apr 25, 09:36 AM
    Where was all the uproar when Dick Cheney and company was reading your emails and tapping into your phone conversations? Nobody raised an eyebrow about that. When that was made public the Fox News/Wallstreet Journal response was "well unless you're doing something illegal you don't have anything to worry about." The government is still doing it by the way. Apple, on the other hand is not tracking anybody's movements and the Wallstreet Journal and their like minded ilk are having a cow. In the words of GW Bush, "they're nothing but a bunch of hypocrizers."

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  • bluequaTTro
    Nov 3, 03:54 PM
    what a rip off, tomtom is a joke. sub par navigation app $99 and another $119 for their stupid car mount that does nothing but improve gps signal. they are r@ping many people.

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  • Amdahl
    Nov 2, 09:23 PM
    We (the Mac community) should not let the security industry get a toe hold in OSX.

    Then get Apple to release security updates for longer than 24 months.

    The availability of these products is good news for anybody who is getting tired of paying Steve.

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  • MikeTheC
    Nov 26, 11:29 AM
    I've always been of the impression, since the time of the pre-release discussions of tablet PCs, that they were a solution looking for a problem.

    I would never, ever want to spend my money on an electronic equivalent to a notepad. And I happen to use notepads, BTW. However, if I was taking notes with it (which is NOT at all what I do with the notepads I own), there's no way in the world I'd be writing on it; that would be far too slow.

    Why would I want to waste my time learning shorthand (which makes the assumption that TPCs could handle various forms of shorthand) so I could do through writing what I can already do at 70+ WPM via typing. And with typing, it solves the whole problem of handwriting recognition, because there ISN'T ANY.

    The TPC market is so highly specialized and so incredibly vertical that I believe it would be nothing more than a distraction for Apple away from their core business and development strengths.

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  • LarryC
    Apr 21, 09:22 PM
    It's not going to happen. If Apple was still interested in offering a rack mountable system they would have redesigned the X-Serve instead of the Mac Pro.

    Where is the logic in dropping a perfectly fine rack-mountable system, because apparently it wasn't sold enough, and then convert the Mac Pro workstation to... a rack-mountable system?! They could've dropped the Mac Pro and rebrand X-Serve to Mac Pro instead. Same result.

    He makes a very good point. I do not understand why so many people want to make everything so small. I saw a post recently where a guy wanted Apple to drop the optical drive and use nothing but SSD in the iMac! Maybe I'm getting old and senile, but it makes no sense to me. And SSD's are still too expensive to be practical.

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  • miamialley
    May 4, 04:30 PM
    No thanks, that would use a bunch of my 30gb monthly limit (no other options for broadband where i live). I definately would prefer a usb stick or a dvd. At least if its download only I hope they make it easy for me to burn to a standard size disc

    30GB? Where do you live and who's the provider?

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  • iLilana
    Mar 31, 12:49 AM
    Only if a re-write is done on it first. Carbon-to-Cocoa conversions on all of Apples' apps should be of a higher priority.

    you could always just use front row

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  • onigami
    May 6, 02:00 AM
    This story broke 5 minutes ago and I'm already over it... Who cares if Apple wants to use something they think is new and revolutionary? Your opinion isn't going to stop them. While you're over here thinking "I can't do bootcamp with ARM" Apple is thinking "Bootcamp will be obsolite when we get done here" :apple:

    You must really love the stuff you write. You must also love the sound your voice makes when it talks. Since clearly what we write will have no impact whatsoever, why bother even having a forum? Hell, why even write a post like that?
    Get that iPhone out of your ass, seriously.

    You know how long it takes me to create an ARM version of my code on the Mac App Store?

    Two minutes.

    What do you want, a gold star? A cookie?

    Your app is prolly simple enough that you could do that. Consider more complex apps such as games and video-editing that require extensive use of the x86 architecture. That's the real problem.

    And in all seriousness, that is the real issue. Switching from x86 to ARM RISC is a really big problem because the benefit of x86 is that so much work has been done on it, porting Windows apps and/or games is simply a software coding issue as opposed to hardware. Even if ARM had comparable processes to x86 to compensate to some degree, that's still another series of steps to go through.

    And there's no real reason or benefit for them to switch to ARM. They have an incredibly solid partnership with Intel (they got Thunderbolt first, for Pete's sake), and what devices that could use ARM-like processors are already built in-house. If they really wanted a low-cost processor for laptops (again, no beneficial reason), they could just go for the AMD's Trinity platform with Fusion APUs. They already have Radeon GPUs in their entire lineup, don't see why they can't switch. Or even better, just build x86 chips in-house like they do with the A series.

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  • greenstork
    Aug 4, 01:02 AM
    Never buy an apple product!!!
    As soon as you do something new and better comes out!!!
    I am typing this away on my new Macbook, Core 1 Duo; which i bought under the self-brainwashed reasoning that the MBP alone would see 2x2. Why you ask? Cuz I figured hey, the MB JUST came out, why refresh it every 2 months! The MBP has been out like 8 months, that makes sense.
    I can only PRAY I am right.
    No that my Macbook will be instant crap... I just COULD have waited until september.
    Damn you apple...

    What doesn't your Macbook do fast enough?

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  • Tomtomnovice
    Jan 23, 12:06 PM
    I am new to this forum, and a true novice with tomtom and car kits. I just downloaded the application onto my iPhone, and then setup the car kit. It works fine. What I have is probably what sounds like the dumbest of questions:

    What is the car kit's resistance to cold temperatures? I live in Cleveland, OH and if I live the mount in the car for a whole day during winter, will the chips or anything be damaged?

    Do you advice dismounting the kit every time I park for a few hours, and/or for the night? My garage is not heated.


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  • daneoni
    Sep 11, 11:55 AM
    Not to add onto the whining about merom notebooks, but I thought people a little while back were saying they'd be coming on the apple event on the 12th...:confused:

    Yeah, that was prior to the invites sent out. Jobs from experience will be pitching the movie store hard..meaning the laptop updates have to take a back seat for now. I mean they announced a 24" iMac quietly just to give you an idea of how important this is to them. Laptop updates? i wouldnt count on least for now

    Apr 18, 05:13 PM
    What would you and Leguna have Samsung do to the Galaxy Tab to make it less "identical"?

    Do what every other Android hardware manufacturer has done and come up with their own industrial design.

    Nov 20, 09:25 AM
    I called two Apple stores in my state (Connecticut) and both are out. Available from their website with free shipping but a 2 to 3 week delay in shipping.

    Aug 11, 10:31 AM
    Makes no sense to put these in Macbook so soon. Macbook Pro, yes, but not the macbook. Apple have always differentiated the two lines, the fact that current Macbooks are comparable to the Pros is just plain luck and won't last long, IMO.

    You are reasoning from apple's history but it's all different now. The problem with this logic is that since Dell, HP and Gateway will be using the merom in consumer computers and apple is using the same chips as everyone else they have to use merom too or appear to be behind in the technology.

    Apr 15, 09:02 AM
    Do you think there are any negative consequences to this? If I were starting a business and seeking investors, it would sure be a lot harder to get investors when the capital gains rate is 35% rather than 15%. That business would never materialize. Nobody's going to complain about it though because no one can see what could have been.


    Capital gains do NOT stand in the way of investment in business. Why? Because capital gains ONLY apply to the gains realized upon the SALE of the shares or ownership interest in the company. That sale has ZERO effect on the business' profit, capitalization, available resources, etc... That sale ONLY might have an effect on the value of the shares of the company in the hands of other investors. That's what is called the secondary market.

    What you are talking about is the initial offering of the shares by the company in which the company is looking to exchange ownership, and everything that goes with it, for capital investment.

    One of the things that goes with ownership, and one of the two primary reasons people invest, is a share of profits. If a potential business has a good business plan, a good product and will make money, people will invest in it. When it makes money, that income is taxed as ordinary income when distributed, or if kept without re-investment, as business income. This money is NOT taxed as capital gain!

    The second profit motive for investment is the idea that the success of the business will generate demand for ownership, thus increasing the value of ownership on the secondary market. This could lead to capital gains if you choose to sell your ownership interest.

    Higher taxes result in businesses that choose to reinvest and increase their operations rather than distributing money to its owners. This causes increases in value, increases in operations, increases in hiring, increases in economic impact, etc...

    Higher taxes result in investors choosing businesses that are increasing in value, generating higher income rates, operating in riskier, but higher yield, fields, etc...

    Capital gains don't prevent investment, they merely affect how much tax is paid on the sale of an investment you have held for over one year.

    Apr 22, 03:08 AM
    doubtful, this is a key switcher market... it would be crazy to axe the very thing that will continue to switch the PC builders/gamers over the next 5 years... this is a key ingredient to apple taking the industry over with time.

    Apple will not take the desktop industry over, at least not whilst it's using intel processors and chipsets and charging far more for them than other vendors.

    You are essentially now using a PC with EFI firmware and OSX operating system. The only advantage over a hackintosh is that it's all fine tuned, modified and tested under one roof together with Apples software and of course styled with a modern, warm, minimalist form using quality materials but which does not leave any room for custom modding, water cooling, tri-quad SLI\X-Fire etc that PC modders crave.

    In my opinion with virtualization age starting and conventions/standards now being more robust we are coming to a time where it's going to be all "same ****, different logo and GUI" and the cheaper, more feature rich option will win out.

    The desktop market has been exhausted and its time passed anywhere, so now it's all about mobile and portable computing.
    Nokia is partnering with Ms, those are two big, strong boys right there and will give everyone a run for their money. Add to that Microsofts kinect technology and you have new ways of controlling PC's, HTPC's and even mobiles. I have a feeling we're in for a surprise. Apple had/has its prime time with the ipod, iphone, ipad but now the innovation chip has changed it seems.


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