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  • navguy
    Dec 13, 09:02 AM
    I found this on the Magellan website. It appears that their Bluetooth is set up differently than the TomTom kit:

    Can I undock the iPhone from the Premium Car Kit and keep my Bluetooth� connection?

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 23, 02:51 PM
    That's the nice thing about the equallogic, right? ;)

    Only issue I currently have with throughput is being limited by 4gigs when there are 30 some odd VMs running in our 3 host cluster. I would love to be fiber channel but between state budget cuts and PITA systems guy it ain't happening.

    On thunderbolt though, I truly believe it will be a non-starter. Sure, it's cool for those of us that know about it but people in general won't know and won't really care either way. Honestly, consumers should already be above 10Gbps because the physical hardware is already there, just a matter of market elasticity.

    You do realise you can switch your multi-path policy to something like Round-Robin or Least used link or something and use both your fabrics at the same time, giving you double bandwidth (in your 4 Gig port configuration, giving you 8 Gbps, or in a 8 Gbps FC configuration, 16) right ? Actually, you should have a look at what it is set to, some versions of ESX and ESXi are completely retarded and set the default policy to use Fabric 1 only (older versions prior to 4.x didn't have a supported configuration for using both paths at the same time, the support was experimental I believe).

    Or you can run FCoE or FCoIP and use dual 10 Gbps for FC on the cheap (I do realise HBAs can be pricey). Or heck, iSCSI over 10 Gbps links...

    Also, looking at my current I/O statistics for one of our biggest ESXi boxes (about 20 VMs), I see we average about... 10 mbps over the fiber. ;) Servers aren't constantly writing at full bandwidth anyhow and the convenience of centralized SAN management trumps Direct Attached Storage any day of the week in a data center environnement.

    Heck, I wish our DMZ servers could be attached to the SAN (stupid Security policies) so that I could actually grow the filesystems on which the file repository sits... seeing how Sun (now Oracle) wants to charge us over 10k$ for about 72 GBs of disks, just because the hardware is EOL'd and it lacks the 2nd controller so that we can use the drive bays that are free in it...

    Thunderbolt brings me back to those days. It's just not something I'd ever consider for data center use. It's not going to replace iSCSI or Fiber Channel. It's a complete non-contender in that space. Consumer space or workstations ? Yeah, sure, seems it could replace Firewire and USB disks, if the price and availability of actual peripherals is good. That last part remains to be seen.

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  • JAT
    Mar 29, 04:13 PM
    Secondly, the term "3rd world" and "1st world" is offensive. The proper term is developing and developed world.
    Yawn. In 5 years, those terms will be "offensive". Then we'll have to call them "mature" and "growing". Then, 20 years later that will be offensive, and we'll have to call them "service oriented" and "industry oriented". Then, 20 years later that will be offensive, and we'll have to call them "1st world" and "3rd world" again. Get off your PC high horse and deal with life straight on instead of hiding behind semantics.

    *note: PC does not always refer to computers.

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  • r0bert99
    Sep 15, 04:58 PM
    MacShrine? Who?

    What's their record?

    they're alright. they had exclusive pictures of mac os x 10.3 and 10.4 before wwdc, and got lots of iPod things right (like dropping the gold mini, size bumps...) as well as as Mac updates such as Xserves, iMacs and iBooks. the only real fiasco they've had was that whole ipod video thing in march, but to be fair everyone fell for that, even thinksecret and appleinsider, macshrine were just the first to publish them.

    i'm psyched about the updates, i want a magnetic latch!

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  • Jape
    Dec 3, 02:18 PM
    did you ever hear back from BLT??

    I have heard nothing but didn't send email to them. Will do that today.

    No I haven't heard back, I sent them another email this morning but they haven't replied

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  • pack
    Apr 7, 12:49 PM
    I feel like im taking crazy pills...I think theres some confusion as to my feelings on the topic. Apple SHOULD include a discrete GPU in all of it's PRO Macbook line. Period. If you want a more exotic upgrade, fine. But to give a high end, expensive notebook integrated graphics is pure rubbish! Now, does Apple make more money by their status quo? Absolutely. Is is the right thing for the consumer? NO.

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  • paul4339
    Apr 7, 03:05 PM
    basically, is sounds like one company secured their order in advance and with deposit; and the other company, who wasn't sure how well their product will sell, is buying panels at the last minute.

    If you leave a deposit and give advance orders to suppliers, they will definitely _build you the capacity_ to meet your demands. If not, you take your chances... and if you want jump to the front of the queue, it'll cost you a premium.


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  • *LTD*
    Apr 5, 08:36 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    Apple doesn't have a problem collecting 30% for completely stupid useless app store purchases, but they have a problem with making your iPhone look completely stupid?

    Hmmm. Pot, meet kettle.

    Useless app store purchases?

    Based on what? How are they useless? This entire market is based around an app ecosystem. Apps are in demand. Apps help move hardware.

    Your post makes no sense.

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  • adbe
    Mar 26, 10:42 PM

    What am I supposed to do when my contract ends this July!?

    You do realize you don't have to renew the contract right? AT&T will be more than happy to keep taking your money until such time as you feel ready to sign a new one.

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  • MacbookSwitcher
    Mar 29, 03:33 PM
    Yeah buddy I am. Are you aware that on every Apple Device it says "DESIGNED IN CALIFORNIA, ASSEMBLED IN CHINA."

    There is a reason we do not build these products and it has been well covered through this thread. Can you name any good products made by those companies that you mentioned, that are actually built in the US. You know America SUCKS at making products when we need the media to convince us of this fact. Just watch TV, you do not see Apple advertising that they make there products in China, but you do see a bunch of other companies that slap a "Made in the USA" label gain Patriot approval. I avoid those products and save my money for products that have better quality; I dont innately hate american products, but experience has proved that they are inferior to build qualities of other nations. :apple::D

    The reason that simple, brainless product assembly is not done in the US has nothing to due with low quality. It is due to lower manufacturing costs in China, which has no regulations.

    There is no evidence at all that American-made products are of lower quality than any other country's products. (Is there any fighter jet better than the American-made F-16 or F-22?)

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 11:24 AM
    Slot Load Blu-ray Drive Exists � Sony Sells Blu-ray VAIOs

    And I wouldn't be opposed to having a blu-ray drive in my MBP, though I doubt it's going to happen anytime soon what with the blue laser shortages at Sony.

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  • ender land
    Apr 10, 11:39 AM
    Please go back and read my previous posts.

    Oh wow, your previous arguments about how "because spotlight says 2 therefore it is true no matter what" are just so convincing!

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  • praetorian909
    Apr 21, 03:35 PM
    Very interesting. This is very plausible because of Lenovo has the C20 workstation (which I picked out for myself at my work):

    The ThinkStation is 3U rackmountable, with the CD tray vertical for the thinner chassis. Fits full-length, full-height PCIe (video) cards. They called it the "world's smallest dual CPU workstation" so Apple could definitely match it for the Mac Pro.

    I'd really like to get a Mac Pro, so this would be perfect. :) The size is nice though honestly I don't really see much need for rackmounting--do companies use these in a server room with a KVM or thin client or something?

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  • mashinhead
    Aug 11, 03:06 PM
    Merom vs. Yonah Benchmarks (

    Cry me a river if you're using Yonah. Unless you need 64-bit or are encoding video/audio 24/7 on your laptop the gains aren't paramount.

    interesting article. thanks. I kinda feel better now (just bought a macbook). From what i'm reading you won't be able to take full advantage of the processing power til santa rosa comes out (early 2007). And at that point it will use more power reducing the hight bat. life expectations. And the low voltage chips aren't due out til that time too. So after reading this, i say if you really want a good merom working computer, get one in jan. Or forget the wait and get one now. But sept doesn't look like a good time to buy then.

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    May 4, 02:53 PM
    I dont think its going to be though the App Store. The only reason its thought he app store now is the minimise abuse.

    Anyway, what happens if you whole hard drive dies?
    What if you want to reinstall everything from scratch?
    There is just too many what ifs

    I think the should use USB flash drives rather then DVDs IF the flash drives are faster then the DVD

    The app store is for apps and not for a whole OS

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  • Eidorian
    Aug 11, 10:44 AM
    Read the link, the chip on that link was a Conroe, not a Merom.

    What exactly was wrong with what I posted?The link ( that was posted was to a Conroe chip. mashinhead asked for third party upgrades for the the current Yonah based line here. #64 ( emotion replied with this link #70 (

    Conroe cannot fit into Yonah's socket.

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  • iBunny
    Apr 24, 09:11 AM
    I look forward to the day that Apple releases retina displays for the MBP. Something else that would set :apple: apart.

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  • SiliconAddict
    Nov 22, 11:23 PM
    You took the words right out of my mouth.

    I remember when Napster and Rio laughed at the iPod and iTunes, and 5 years later.:rolleyes:

    The difference? For all intents and purposes the iPhone is a toy. phone + music. there is nothing wrong with catering to the average consumer. But the simple fact is businesses will not give it even a half second thought before they move on. Yes admittedly we have yet to see the final specs and features but without a touch screen and without a thumb keyboard the business world will pat Apple on the head, tell them that "awww isn't that cute", and walk away. Its not a business tool its a consumer product. A product that will sell like mad in traditional phone vs. iPhone markets but Blackberrry/Treo vs. iPhone? Not a chance in [bleep].

    PS- That being said I WANT to be proven wrong. I want Apple to provide an expierence that covers music\contacts\calendar\todo\e-mail all in one sexy device but watching Apple over the years I've lost faith they they will try anything daring. Anything that really does take on the big guys. I'm willing to bet that whatever is released will be music\phone and if you are REALLY lucky limited calendar\contacts with no way to imput info. Prove me wrong Apple. Please.

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  • -aggie-
    May 5, 12:37 PM
    Jorah, I'm not certain we are going to be able to follow the "Leave No Man Behind" SEAL philosophy ad infinitum as there will eventually be too many to carry and too few to carry them.

    And just so you know, I believe it is Beatrice who is reputed to be a sandwich maker extraordinaire. I for one, have no first hand knowledge unfortunately.

    Thou incessant need for sandwiches tis why thou dost not �get lucky."

    Jul 23, 12:47 PM
    Why not? Conroe will have availability by WWDC, IIRC, and Merom won't be far behind- they could announce a MBP with Merom, shipping in two weeks after WWDC.

    MBP with Merom, iMac with Conroe, Mac Pros with either Conroe and a Woodcrest quad or all Woodcrest, MacBooks with Merom or Yonah w/price drop, and Mac Mini price drop back to $499.

    Just because something is available doesn't mean it will be updated.

    Dec 13, 09:02 AM
    I found this on the Magellan website. It appears that their Bluetooth is set up differently than the TomTom kit:

    Can I undock the iPhone from the Premium Car Kit and keep my Bluetooth� connection?

    Apr 5, 02:52 PM
    Maybe now they realize that even companies like Toyota want some more ways to create stuff. Better?

    And it isn't about the theme... It could be just a black screen with the text "Buy it." But it would be a jailbreak content made by a big company. It means something.

    Aug 11, 02:00 PM
    No, my point is that I think Apple will continue to do what it's always done, and that those arguing that they'll suddenly treat product announcements differently just because their chips are now supplied by Intel are only speculating.

    Well, they released the Macbook with nothing more than a press release and an update to their site. This product had a complete make over and looks almost nothing like the iBook it replaced. Why no special event? I think things WILL be changing due to the Intel transition. They will have to treat announcements differently. No more will there be a year between speed increases etc.

    Apr 9, 07:23 PM
    The two polls in reference are showing 2 as the right answer.

    Mac OS X cannot be wrong.

    Google is showing you a result that will drive more traffic for their Ads.

    A 68020 will always kill a 68000 anywhere doing math calculations.


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