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  • Jesus Christ carrying the

  • duklaprague
    Oct 24, 08:11 AM
    I'm probably not as hard core as a lot of you guys, but it seems a pretty good update to me.

    The low end MBP is now �1349 in the UK, that's a better spec than what �1699 would have got me yesterday. 1GB RAM finally as a starting point, HD up from 80 to 120 - things that I would have tried to stretch to the �1699 model until now.

    I'm probably not looking to replace my trusty G4PB until next year anyway - but I'm happy enough to see those pennies going further with each revision.

    The G4PB cost me �1999 back in Jan 04.


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  • Jesus Christ walking on water

  • LagunaSol
    Apr 28, 06:19 PM
    *long list of forgettable Android dreck with a few good models tossed in the mix*

    Thats all i can think off.

    Care to prove how these phones are "more reliable" than the iPhone?

    This should be good.

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  • Tomb Jesus Christ

  • Sky Blue
    Apr 15, 01:18 PM
    Hope iCal has a de-uglify option.

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  • cloning (1) coloring pages

  • MattInOz
    Apr 23, 04:35 PM
    No thanks.

    4.0 max whilst retaining current size. It's a phone not a tablet.

    You can fit 4.3 in the same size if you make the screen longer only and drop the home button. The bonus is you get an extra row of icons.

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  • Jesus coloring page

  • SciFrog
    Oct 26, 08:21 PM
    The 80k PPD is a 32 core AMD system...

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  • coloring pages - jesus

  • grinny11
    Mar 12, 11:28 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

    At Cerritos right now. Got here at 9am. About 30th in line. Still have no idea if they even have any.

    Went to fashion island last night at about 5:15. Was about 20th from the Ed. Didn't get one.

    jesus tomb coloring pages. Coloring Pages - Jesus 3
  • Coloring Pages - Jesus 3

  • TimeArrow
    Apr 14, 01:22 PM
    Can anyone else confirm this? How about on iPad?

    Doubt it. If the 4-finger gesture is enabled in 4.3.2, apple cant wait to announce it.

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  • Jesus Christ Teaching coloring

  • bousozoku
    Jul 10, 09:19 PM
    I'm with KookAid, I find that the Inspector is far more time consuming than a well laid out Icon Bar with drop boxes. Maybe it's because I've been using Microsoft Office forever. But I have given Pages a serious try and I find that I really like it, except for it's lacking AutoCorrection and Inspector.


    I'll take my Inspector over extra tool bars, unless someone provides contextual tool bars, something I haven't seen since my desktop publishing software Calamus SL on Atari ST. A lot of my software uses an inspector dialog of some kind and I'm pleased to have that instead of 3 or 4 or 15 tool bars, which take up more room. It's tough when the tool bars take more room than the text.

    Maybe they'll even offer ground-breaking features like bi-directional text editing :rolleyes:

    Seriously, if Apple wants to compete in the word processing field, they need to start addressing people around the world, not just those who they consider guranteed target audience.

    Tri-directional would be even better. You have to spend huge amounts of money to get RLTB (right to left, top to bottom) word processing and page layout in an international package.

    jesus tomb coloring pages. Empty Tomb Coloring Page
  • Empty Tomb Coloring Page

  • gugy
    Apr 13, 03:17 PM
    Apple Television

    seriously doubt it.

    Too big, too expensive, too many costs associate with transport/housing/shipping.
    Saturate market with great quality products, fierce competition and very low profit margins.

    In another words something Apple basically want to avoid.

    jesus tomb coloring pages. Jesus Baptism coloring page
  • Jesus Baptism coloring page

  • cms2
    Apr 15, 01:50 PM
    Looks like mostly bug fixes. Only thing new I have found is the result of putting a window out of focus.

    iCal is still same design too.

    Is there an option to make iCal look normal?

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  • crucifixion of Jesus coloring

  • Surely
    Jan 28, 12:55 PM
    Drink lots and lots of water

    I already do.... it's my beverage of choice throughout the day.:)

    I'm only adding 5 g of creatine (1 teaspoon) to the drink.....

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  • printable jesus feeds 5000

  • pmullins11
    Jan 28, 11:57 AM
    Finally got my HiFiMAN EF2A amp. :) Now I need to track down some Hytron JHY-6AK5 tubes.


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  • coloring page of Jesus

  • IJ Reilly
    Jul 12, 10:59 PM
    ... anyway, this can be accomplished in Pages, but it requires a bit of creativity. Start with a custom page size (5.5 x 8.5 presumably). Lay out your booklet on these pages. Then, when printing the pdf, output 2-up. Reordering the pages into the correct order for printing is a bit of trick, but once you know the order, the pages can be dragged where they belong in the thumbnail viewer. This is really a job for a good page layout application, not a word processor of any kind. I sure wouldn't trust it to a Word Wizard.

    Also, anyone who'd send a Word document to a printer with the expectation of good results is not anyone who I'd mistake for knowing the first thing about graphic arts or printing.

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  • coloring page(black

  • samcolak
    Apr 22, 12:03 PM
    Stop it please, you're hurting me... OpenStep is a specification of which GNUStep is a GPL licensed implementation released by the GNU project. Foundation and Cocoa are the NeXTSTEP acquired implementations that Apple is using.

    OpenSTEP is not licensed under a GNU project license at all...

    POSIX is not a kernel. It's a standard programming interface that UNIX systems used to make sure that one program written for a UNIX system would compile another as long as the standard was followed.

    Minix, while being a POSIX compliant OS, was a complete implementation done by Andrew Tannenbaum for a book he was writing.

    Your grasp of all of this history is quite muddied. Seriously, who are you trying to convince here ? You've gotten about every fact wrong about this whole thing. The plain fact remains, I was right all along, your correction was quite wrong when you said :

    You completely misunderstood my post when I said Bash was part of the GNU project. Bash has always been GNU, always will be. The GPL is very much "GNU licensing".

    Enjoy easter yourself and use the days off to work on your grasp of the whole UNIX and open source histories.

    From ( :

    Again, the Foundation is called the FSF, from their site, ( :

    Stop getting it wrong, we're on the Internet, the sites are there to correct you.

    Ok maybe you are drinking a bit too much coke, so calm down a little - I said the Bash was under the GPL license - this is correct. You are equally correct in saying its under GNU (i just clarified in saying GPL). My mistake in saying you were wrong.

    2. I said the GNU was a project started in 1984 - we both agree on this.

    3. The FSF (a foundation) was what GNU evolved into - we both agree on this.

    4. Per Bash, i never said it wasnt part of GPL/GNU - it is - I agree.

    5. OpenStep is the open source repository of NextStep - per GNUstep, couldnt care less.

    My unix history is pretty clear but thanks for the heads up.

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  • manger coloring page

  • caspersoong
    Apr 29, 03:26 AM
    This is what happens with Steve on leave. Perfectionalism is getting reduced.

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  • jesus heals the man ten

  • maclaptop
    Apr 12, 06:08 PM
    Breaking news, iPhone 5 to come out within the next 10 years :rolleyes:

    Oh boy, and here I was expecting it in only 9 years. I guess that rumor was wrong. :)

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  • pictures miracles of jesus

  • kainjow
    Nov 3, 10:10 AM
    This is what will get me switching to VMware vs Parallels, multicore support in virtualization!

    That will work nicely on the Mac Pros. Keep us updated.

    jesus tomb coloring pages. Empty Tomb Coloring Page
  • Empty Tomb Coloring Page

  • chordate68
    Oct 21, 10:50 AM
    Here in the Netherlands we have Sinterklaas, he comes to us first by steamship, and then on a white horse. It is that important that the TV shows him arriving direct, plus tens of thousands are on the quayside. I hope to be there this year in Harderwijk on the 13th November with my grand children.

    Gifts are given on the 5th December


    HOLY S*%T!!!! Pope hat and people with blackface?!?!
    This is amazing!!

    jesus tomb coloring pages. Coloring Pages
  • Coloring Pages

  • cmaier
    Apr 22, 12:35 PM
    Wait what ? Apple's complaint had multiple utility patents, design patents, trademark infringement claims and trade dress claims. That's pretty broad, not specific.

    No, there were many specific allegation (for example the patent claims), and many others (trade dress) aimed at a broader range of devices. And for the claims that don't require pleading with great specificity, they did give examples.

    Jul 24, 04:18 PM
    Damn, about time.

    Oct 23, 11:30 AM

    What is this thing?

    Oct 18, 07:19 PM
    It is interesting to read the long list of disclosed risks in the financial statement news release on the Apple website.


    Jul 28, 01:06 PM
    If a product sucks but almost everyone else is using it, most people will use it too.

    e.g. myspace...

    Oct 23, 12:41 PM
    No one will know that until they try installing Windows on a VM.

    And, yes, the detection of a VM is simple, given a handful of VM vendors: just look for the VM "hardware" signatures they use. On activation, if any matching hardware is found, pop up a dialog stating "This license of Windows is not applicable to a virtual machine, such as <Parallels or VMWare or Virtual PC>. Activation failed. Please see to enhance your license to allow activation on this virtual machine."

    That is precisely what Activation is for: detecting invalid hardware (usually, hardware on which this copy of Windows was not activated, but in thi case also VM hardware) and stopping full use of the product on it. We can't say for certain that they will do this until it happens or someone from MS breaks the code of silence regarding this issue. But they certainly have the means to do it.

    If this is true, why did Microsoft used to sell me Virtual PC with a version of XP Pro? I could clone that instance of XP Pro also several times and run them in // (altough very slow since emulated):confused: :confused:


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