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  • Ping Guo
    Mar 27, 03:50 AM
    So... cloud computing benefits whom exactly? It's great for syncing - but even unreliable there. Caldav and Google Sync are both problematic. Dropbox works pretty well... but I use if for very specific things. Who wants to stream audio and video in when local storage is so cheap?

    Let me guess, the main beneficiaries will be the companies providing the service. And customers who don't sign up for the new, expensive, glitchy service will be increasingly marginalized in terms of the functionality of their devices.:rolleyes:

    I think we're entering an era of increasing instability and uncertainty, and we should be designing more robust networks and backups, not systems that will experience cascading failure when the power drops out at a sever farm or there's a natural (or man-made) disaster somewhere in the world. One last point - some countries block various cloud-streaming services based on arbitrary decisions, "national security" and "social harmony" *COUGH*china*COUGH*!

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  • aswitcher
    Jul 30, 07:14 AM
    i dont think this will be a dream feature phone but it will work wonderfully with iSync and .Mac, iTunes, iPhoto, Frontrow (BT controller), Mail, iCal, AddressBook etc

    I hope it has a 2 megapixel camera and at least half a gig of ram.

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  • Blinkwing
    Nov 30, 02:33 AM
    What's the sound quality like? I've noticed that a few people have complained about a buzzing sound.

    EDIT: What car you've got plus any modifications relating to sound system (speakers, amps, etc) would help greatly.

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  • tipdrill407
    Aug 7, 07:14 PM
    There are many of you I want to beat with a spiky stick right now. Let's consolidate you into one bullet-point list of whiners:

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  • kalsta
    May 6, 11:54 AM
    The only preference I still have for imperial is food based. Can i have 500 grams of sliced ham? It just sounds wrong.

    So, ask for 'half a kilo'. Problem solved. :)

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  • DeathChill
    Apr 20, 08:50 AM
    You and I are thinking alike.

    Sobering stuff when Apple fails to impress.

    Right or wrong the glass iphone will be forever associated with Antennagate.

    I'm too much of an Apple enthusiast to keep an albatross like that.

    Now I will celebrate a change of brand while Jobs and company hunts for answers. :)
    I am extremely impressed with your ability to be disappointed with a product that hasn't been announced and we know nothing about.

    Also, hasn't the iPhone 4 been the best selling iPhone ever?

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  • itcheroni
    Apr 19, 11:36 AM
    That's like saying that I need to read the whole Bible instead of you just telling me why you're a believer.

    That's all we're asking. Just tell us why you believe something to be true.

    If you inspire us enough, maybe we'll crack open that Bible.

    A better analogy would be a scientist trying to explain to a Christian scientist why evolution makes more sense than a strict interpretation of the Bible. Or Galileo (was it him?) trying to convince people that the Earth revolved around the Sun.

    By the way, speaking of being convinced, I looked back on some of my posts from 2008 and can't believe the crazy things I believed back then. Nobody took my aside and explained things to me. I went and found sources on my own. I don't know how to explain a lot of different concepts that hinges on each other that will be utterly convincing in 100-200 words. It took me a few years to unlearn all the crap I learned in economics classes in college. I can't do the same for you in a few minutes.

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  • Eorlas
    Apr 5, 02:49 PM
    I'd bet that Steve Jobs has a jailbroken iPhone with biteSMS because he knows how awesome it is to be able to quick send/reply...

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  • B.winkle
    Apr 10, 10:53 AM
    Answer is 2. I'm right and you're wrong. So there! ;.) I sleep with a math teacher!!!

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  • Tilpots
    May 7, 10:35 AM
    I've heard similar rumors about MobileMe going free. Makes sense if Apple could leverage the new iAd system to generate targeted campaigns, and effectively subsidise the cost of opening the system up to more users.

    Free MobileMe as an iAd platform? That sounds about right. Paid MobileMe without the iAds? I think we're getting somewhere now...

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  • milo
    Aug 11, 03:17 PM
    I wouldn't say it would be anything noticable!

    Probably make the low end one a 1.66 Duo and the top one a 1.8 or 2.0 Duo

    Doubling the cores would certianly be noticable on the low end! And even a modest bump is better than no bump for a year. But I still think a bigger bump than that is likely, chances of something like a merom on the high end are pretty good.

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  • HecubusPro
    Sep 16, 11:20 PM
    Yeah, but it's also the only way to get a 7200 rpm hard drive. I've read things about the hard drives not being user replaceable. Now I've taken apart several old Thinkpads and replaced motherboards and even the screens, but there warranties were up. I don't feel like voiding the warranty on my Mac.

    I also think that this return policy is rather asinine. As another user stated, there are only 3 options to customize. Dell machines are highly configurable and they will refund you (minus 15% restocking fee though).

    Unfortunately, that's just the way it is with apple, and it's despicable.

    I'm hoping with the next MBP update, they also tweak the enclosure to allow for an easily swappable HDD, like the macbook. It simply isn't fair that a lower end model gets a great feature like that and the higher end gets screwed. I would be sorely disappointed if this did not happen with the update.

    Because of return policy issues, I will probably go ahead and get the 5400rpm drive. It seems like much less hassle to stay away from BTO systems if something goes wrong.

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  • Anonymous Freak
    Apr 21, 05:40 PM
    You mean depth. 1U's are DEEP.

    Image (

    They don't have to be deep:

    There is nothing about rack-mounting that REQUIRES a deep computer, it's just a common compromise to make up for the lack of height.

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  • Title: Call of Duty 2 Review

  • ipedro
    May 4, 04:35 PM
    I think Apple might update the firmware. It will appear a Mac App Store icon when user hold down the option key. Also it will allow user to put their Apple ID and choose a Wifi network. Isn't it a good idea? :D

    I mean how many time you need to reinstall Mac OS lol

    Mac App Store will be the fastest way to get what you want and this is the future. Disc is OVER!

    Excellent idea. The OS and all your apps could be restored by simply logging in with your AppleID into the firmware. Everything downloads and you're working on a brand new installation. Throw in iCloud and all your iTunes media and other files backed up on iDisk are also restored.

    I just looked at the Mac App Store application. It's only 7.4MB. That can fit comfortably on the firmware chip. If Lion alters the firmware to be able to run this app apart from the OS, a simple login would enable one to get their OS and all their apps without a disk or USB stick.

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  • Object-X
    Nov 22, 01:32 AM
    The problem with Palm is they are on their way out. They got what? Treo? How long can that last? PDAs are over. So it's all about the phones now.

    They have to be worried. Apple has the midas touch. Whatever Apple get's into they change. Apple has a way of innovation that changes all of the dynamics. They weren't the first with the iPod, but their entrance into digital music has changed the whole music industry, not just digital music players.

    Apple could very well do the same thing with an Apple branded phone. Integrating it into the whole computer experiance in ways we can't even predict. To claim it takes years to make a phone "right" is just proof that Palm has very little to offer.

    The future of phone technology is going to change rapidly and dramically over the next few years. Apple can make billions of dollars in this market. They are going to go for it, and they will leverage their existing products to make it happen and to offer something new. Everyone is fixated on the iPod, but it's the integration with OS X that has the most interesting potential.

    Video iChat on your phone? Internet services? Email? Address? Calendar? Have you used a Palm or Blackberry? They are OK for what they do, but they could be so much better...a lot better. What they are missing is exactly what Apple has to offer -- and it isn't music.

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  • Don't panic
    May 6, 03:36 PM
    Com'on lads! we are waisting precious time.
    i just need one volunteer to split off, or one volunteer to lead the group so i split off.
    it really is worth to do this as it cuts down on unproductive turns, which means lees varmints to soil our weapons with.

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  • Arcus
    Apr 25, 09:03 AM
    No. Re-read the three sentences he typed. He said that Apple is not tracking anyone. That infers that the database of locations is not being used to track a users location.

    No, he said "the info circulating". "THE" info includes the info about the database.

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  • shaolindave
    May 4, 02:46 PM
    pro: one less disc to keep track of. my family already lost my iWork disc.

    cons: what if i want to format the hard drive and restart from scratch? or even just archive and install? what if i completely replace my hard drive? what if i want to sell my mac and get a new one, would i retain the license or would the buyer get it? how would they reinstall the OS after I wipe the hard drive? how long is this going to take to download? will we be able and authorized to burn our own install DVDs from the downloaded software?

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  • ECUpirate44
    Mar 28, 09:50 AM
    My thinking too. If, by waiting another three months, Apple could release an LTE version of the iPhone, this might make more sense for them.

    Imagine what the holiday season would look like if more of their competitors were out with LTE phones and Apple was just standing pat with what amounted to a refresh of the iPhone 4. Instead, with an LTE iPhone out, they would avoid having tons of customers going over to Android.

    My thought exactly. They would also avoid pissing off 11 million Verizon iPhone customers.

    May 7, 11:01 AM
    Well put.


    May 8, 04:55 AM
    It's naive to assume that Apple won't use MobileMe data in the future to serve you ads.

    the moment I see an ad on mobileme is the moment i stop using it.... it's a "perk"

    Given the [lack of acceptable] performance of the current service, all of these things are just going to be painful to use. If they can devote some more bandwidth to them, I could see it being a hit. maybe?

    Nov 30, 06:42 AM
    I have had a lot of Apple products in my life (see below) and I have a Treo650. I would dump it in a heartbeat and pick up an iPhone. Especially if it has intigration with iLife apps. I'm sick of having to run flakey software just to hear my phone. I'm on my second 650 in 6 months (Speaker quit working) and while the Palm OS is outdated, I wouldnt touch Windows Mobile with a 10' pole. I'm excited with the prospect of an Apple phone.

    My Stuff:
    Mackbook Pro 15" 2.16 ghz w/Glossy Screen:D
    Powerbok 12" (Cat killed it though) :mad:
    Silver iPod mini
    iPod Shuffle
    Palm Treo650
    Wife's Stuff:
    Intel iMac Core Duo 2ghz
    iPod Nano
    iMac G5
    20gb Ipod (Sons)
    Pink iPod Mini (Daughters)
    Airport Wireless Home Network

    May 6, 01:08 AM
    How about the 3D transistors and 22nm chips that Intel has announced on their roadmap? They sound pretty impressive to me!

    This has red flags all over!

    Sep 11, 09:05 AM


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