beer goggles

beer goggles. Beer goggles is a slang term
  • Beer goggles is a slang term

  • rockosmodurnlif
    Sep 30, 01:01 PM
    My 3G runs on Edge typically. I haven't had the same dropped call experience. Would the network make a major difference here?

    beer goggles. the Beer Goggles Equation
  • the Beer Goggles Equation

  • ZilogZ80
    Apr 14, 04:56 AM
    Would only make sense when combining Mac App Store and iOS App Store someway while keeping the syncing of the iOS devices in iTunes.
    Or just do away with iTunes entirely and choose which available (i.e. purchased) apps you want to install directly in App Store on the device. Let any backups be cloud or Time Machine based.

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles
  • Beer Goggles

    Jul 24, 03:52 PM
    Do people really have that many problems with the scroll ball gunking up? I've had mine for ages and never had a problem with it (maybe I just keep my hands cleaner :D )

    naughtie fingers dwelling deep...

    beer goggles. eer goggles
  • eer goggles

  • cvaldes
    Apr 22, 11:11 AM
    Of all the things that iPhone needs soon, LTE is not one of them.

    We can all wait until its widespread, and usable.
    Correct, while most of the world is committed to LTE, commercial grade operational networks are not online in most markets, although deployment is happening right now.

    What makes the most sense right now is bumping up the iPhone to HSPA+. Practically all GSM/UTMS markets have commercial networks open for business right now (the U.S. is basically the last), many markets have already gone to their third iteration of HSPA+ (speed increases).

    beer goggles. Why do eer goggles happen?
  • Why do eer goggles happen?

  • Maximillian
    Mar 29, 07:56 AM
    Does anybody else see the 9.6 inside the apple?
    Sept. 6th?

    Whatever it means, it's interesting.

    After you point it out, yes, I do, but I can't imagine that Apple would give ANY clues to future release dates/announcements.

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles
  • Beer Goggles

  • michael31986
    Apr 14, 08:12 PM
    Now the friendly app for Facebook doesn't work on the iPad well since the uodate! Wth

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles by Ken Thomas
  • Beer Goggles by Ken Thomas

  • Corey Grandy
    Sep 12, 09:36 PM
    I actually get a half-green, half-passion tea lemonade. Try it. It's good. :)

    Corey, that dog is adorable. What breed?

    Thank you :)
    He is a Toy American Eskimo (Eskimo/German/American Spitz).

    Not Japanese, I'm dumb :)

    beer goggles. My new Beer Goggles 2.0 allow
  • My new Beer Goggles 2.0 allow

  • doctor-don
    Jun 7, 09:36 AM
    $1000 worth of a beating he'd get if i were his parent. Luckily for kids, i hate them and would never have one. Ever.

    Kids hating kids. Imagine!

    ChrisGonzales90: You've ruined my week with that image!

    Apple should have safeguards in place to ensure apps are not downloaded without a password when the cost exceeds $20. I even contest the addition of 1� to a bill when it was not part of the contract.

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles
  • Beer Goggles

  • 0815
    Apr 26, 12:47 PM
    Make this a part of my current MobileMe $199 family subscription.

    I somehow have the feeling the the MobileMe service as we know it will stop to exist. Maybe they will offer some features 'a la cart' or a more expensive buffet option.

    beer goggles. eer goggles
  • eer goggles

  • EricNau
    Apr 14, 02:40 AM
    It's the mythical xMac! :p
    How do you pronounce that? Ex-Mac or Ten-Mac? ;) :D

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles
  • Beer Goggles

  • dongmin
    Jul 24, 10:02 PM
    sounds interesting, though i have a feeling many people will just ignore the feature and end up touching the screen anyway, lol.I think some of you have the wrong understanding of this 'non-touch' concept. You'll still be touching the screen. The purpose of the non-touch technology is to hide the scroll wheel (or any other controller) whenever it's not needed. But I think you'll still be touching the screen to actually activate the virtual buttons. That's my reading of it, anyways.

    Kinda takes away from that whole "Simplicity is everything" slogan Apple is known for, doesn't it? While I'll reserve my judgments on the design until it's worked into a final product, it does look like the user needs to take unnecessary steps to actually use the click wheel. Then again, pictures (drawings) probably can't do the interface justice.

    Still, not everything has to be digital over analog...I actually think this will be even more intuitive than other interfaces because the controls will be contextual. The buttons will automatically appear and disappear as you move your fingers over the iPod screen. The buttons themselves, I'm imagining, will maintain the look and feel of the trademark iPod scrollwheel. If you are smart enough to operate the current iPods, you'll be smart enough to use the touch-sensitive controls.

    BTW, wasn't this story already posted elsewhere a couple of days back? Shouldn't Macrumors be crediting the original publisher?

    edit: Appleinsider ( had this article last week. It goes into more detail too.

    beer goggles. Beer goggles are an excuse for
  • Beer goggles are an excuse for

  • spillproof
    Jun 6, 01:50 AM
    What is this kid doing on the computer alone in the first place? Doesn't his parents know about the dangers lurking on the web?! ;)

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles. Beer Goggles
  • Beer Goggles. Beer Goggles

  • shamino
    Oct 23, 09:01 AM
    What situation is there that you would want to run the same OS on the same box, one natively installed and one in virtualization?:confused:
    One person mentioned wanting simultaneous BootCamp and Parallels installations.

    It's also useful in a tech-support/QA environment. A lot of corporations have a standard software environment that all employees must use. Whenever this environment changes, the changes must be tested. It can be very convenient to create and test these new environments from within VMs. This way you can blow away mistakes and problem-installs by simply deleting a file, instead of having to reformat an entire hard drive.

    If your company has to support multiple platforms (e.g. NT4, Win2K, XP, etc.), it can be a huge cost savings for your support staff to be able to simultaneously run all of the platforms via VMs on a single computer.

    But both of these uses are the kinds of things that really should justify a business license. The real question here is if someone running the Business edition as the native OS can also run the Home edition in a VM - so QA staff can support users running the home edition without needing a separate computer dedicated for the purpose.

    beer goggles. quot;eer goggle needlepoint
  • quot;eer goggle needlepoint

  • tigress666
    Apr 29, 01:03 AM
    It's thinking like that which makes lotteries so successful for raising revenue in so many states. Total cost is always a factor, and total cost includes not only plan costs for two years, but it also includes the value of the respective phones at the end of the contract period. At a minimum, a 3GS is going to be worth $100 less than an iPhone 4 after 2 years. So, with a total expenditure in the $1500-$2000 range, you'll be lucky if you save $50 in the long run by going with the slower, lower resolution, older technology model. Hardly worth it.

    Ok, that works if you are thinking of getting a cellphone vs. not getting a cellphone.

    But when you are thinking of getting what type of cellphone, no, it doesn't count. Cause by deciding you are getting a cellphone but trying to decide which type, you already committed to buying the plan,what type of cellphone does not affect the cost of the plan, you are going to pay it regardless. So the cost of the plan really doesn't count for the cost of the cellphone when you are comparing cellphones together.

    Maybe if we were comparing getting a landline to a cellphone (where the costs of the service for the landline are going to be drastically different).

    Or even if we were comparing going from AT&T to Verizon there might be some small difference. So only if the cellphones are on different networks (with the iphone though, this only matters if you are comparing to a T-Mobile or Sprint phone as you can get an iphone on either AT&T or Verizon so the plan cost will be the same for the iphone as whatever other phone you want to get on either network).

    You still don't get the point.

    The point is when we are comparing different cellphones to each other, the service doesn't matter cause if you are getting the cellphone, you are going to pay the service regardless and which cellphone you get isn't going to affect the service's price. Therefore it is irrelevant when talking cost of one cellphone vs. another to bring in the cost o the contract.

    beer goggles. Top
  • Top

  • ppilone
    Mar 31, 12:00 PM
    What happened to iCal from the Beta 1 Lion release? I felt that was a great unification of iOS iCal and OS X iCal (the layout was similar to iPad's iCal but it still looked like an OS X app). This new, giant brown header with embossed buttons and hard-to-read titles is just... awful.

    beer goggles. to the eer goggle…
  • to the eer goggle…

  • jbanger
    Oct 21, 10:27 PM
    health and happiness for my family and friends :)

    beer goggles. This poster is subtle and
  • This poster is subtle and

  • Mattie Num Nums
    May 3, 09:09 AM
    Just ordered mine!

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles DeMotivated
  • Beer Goggles DeMotivated

  • twoodcc
    Nov 24, 05:19 PM
    I've got my passkey! Now I have a couple of my machines working on units. I have a small Linux Render farm that I'll put online here shortly.

    nice! good. get that farm going!

    i'm adding a bunch of machines for the break, should see some good #s

    sounds good! i might try and get a new system soon also during the holidays. we'll see

    beer goggles. Beer Goggles font
  • Beer Goggles font

  • bbplayer5
    Apr 12, 09:43 AM
    I wouldnt put too much into this story. If its being delayed its because they need to put out the verizon and att at the same time. Probably dont want to put it out THIS fast because the Verizon phone JUST came out.

    This is a smart move.

    Jul 24, 02:48 PM
    There could be arguments either way that the BT Mighty Mouse would cost more than the regular BT mouse. On one hand, if they are the same price, people might just say to themselves, "Oh, the Mighty Mouse has more features, I'll get that," and soon the standard BT mouse sales would be dropping way too much. Or maybe there are still a lot of people who aren't affected by the right click features of the Mighty Mouse and would still buy the standard BT mouse. In that case, making them both the same price would be great. I would say Apple might just stop making the BT mouse if a BT Mighty Mouse comes out, but I find that hard to believe.

    I know that a lot of Mac users that are used to the ctrl+click don't really care about having a right click mouse (most people don't notice that you can now do trackpad right-clicking on MacBook Pros and probably MacBooks as well), so it would be my bet that Apple will keep making both BT mice and keep them the same price, or the Mighty Mouse just $5 or $10 more.


    Apr 13, 03:53 AM

    Jun 6, 03:59 AM
    That's what mommy gets for letting the Cheerios run out

    Apr 28, 09:42 AM
    "Mobile Phone Track" survey ???

    Ahhh they are tracking us

    seriously though this is not a surprise

    i imagine the next iphone will be on all networks and the iphone 4 sales will still be strong as well at a lower price

    should even the game a little with Android

    Oct 23, 11:23 AM
    Watch, it probably really means it instantly voids the MS support part of the Vista purchase for that license.

    Would be just peachy that Apple offers zero support for running Vista on a Mac, and MS does the same for those doing it via virtualization.

    Probably forsee a support headache coming down the path. :p
    Why should Apple offer support for Vista on a Mac.

    Anyone who is willing to run Vista on a Mac are ussually technical and smart enought to search different support forums for the answers that they need.


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